signs of ich


Active Member
Hey every one new tothe forum, so help a brotha out and work with me if i am not as savvy as you. Any way my trigger keeps scraping the rocks, he/she had ick i think (little white cotton bumps) so i assumed it was ick. I did the old school trick of upping the salt, temp pulled him out did a scrap and dropped him in a fresh water dip for 4 min timed. the ick was gone harray for me. but two months later hes now rubbing rocks. my cleaner shrimp want nothing to do with him and the cleaning wrassle keep cleaning but he keeps rubbing is this a sign or do triggers rub.
Quick run down
55 gal
(2) cascade 1000 can filter why two had the extra one and can't have enough filtration)
bio wheel
yellow tang
sail fin tang
niger trigger
lawn mower
perc clown x2
skunk shrimp x2
chip star x2


i have a 2 tanks one with triggers and a snow flake eal the other with community fish non aggresive i never had ich problems with my triggers but my bursa scratches some times but never got ich my titan trigger has been scrathng quite a bit latley i havent seen any ich yet i have my fingers crossed i hope they dont get it my community tank is curently in hypo salinty for ich well i was trying to find the same answers about triggers you are like i said they scratch but show no ich but it is an early sign of ich I watch for ich all the time and have not seen any Triggers are very strong and disease resistant try some garlic as preventive ill keep you posted as you can do the same hopefully its not ich Only time will tell lots of luck