Silica Sand


I am looking for some sand to put down for my 110 gallon tank. I have done a BIG search over the net today since I do nothing at my job. I have come across several different views on this subject but found a really good article about Silica Sand by Rob Toone (google Silica Sand and you should find it, its the first one) on the other hand I see several people on this board stating that you do not want to use Silica Sand....I understand that it can create alge problems but if you have a good clean up crew you should be ok right? :notsure: but see I really don’t want to DOOM my tank but getting a ticking time bomb in this sand.....I know that everyone says to get Yardright, southdown, old castle, and so on but since I live in IL most places do not have a BIG selection of sand...waltmart doesn’t even have it in the stores yet because its to cold....I have called Lowes and Home Depot just right now to but the people on the other line couldn’t help me out at all just a bunch of yeah we have it fine for sandbox and rougher for garden and construction work...yeah that didn’t help me out at all....So I plan on going to lowes and home depot in the next couple of days in hope of finding something that I can use as sand...maybe if im lucky some one will know what Aragonite is....BUT to end this rant I just want to know why can we not use Silica Sand and why must we use Aragonite??? The article is pretty convining to me anyways but im just
on this whole situation....


Active Member
A lot of people read "silica" sand and imediately think of the silica that you find in water, that type of silica is food for diatoms and causes that particular nuisance.
The silica based sand is no more likely to cause excess algae growth than the glass in your tank (which is silica based).
Now that being said, I do prefer aragonite sand to silica, I think it looks better, I do think it offers some buffering capabilities (especially in a DSB situation). and worms seem to reproduce faster in aragonite sand than in silica (not sure why, they just do).
If you cannot find aragonite or you do not want to pay for it, than you certainly can use a fine silica based sand. I have used it before, with no problems.
Most LFS carry Aragonite,


But how much does Aragonite sand really coast? To be honest with you I havent really walked into home depot or lowes to look for sand so this is the first time I am going to do this so im kinda just walking in not really knowing what to look for per-say.....


Active Member
Just to correct the spelling above - the name is TOONEN

The only issue I see with silica sand is when it is not pure silica sand. If you use beach sand that is silica based (eg northeastern coast), then there are a lot of other mineral impurities that I would personally not want in the tank.


so then I better hope not to get silica....I have another DUMB question....I was told 300W heater for the 110 gallon tank would be ok, but I just read a that you should use about 5W for every this true? so then I would be looking at 550W heater? Thanks for your help with the situation its really great to see everyone help out eachother on this site....


Active Member
Basically it is 3-5 W per gallon on the heaters. I would use 2 300 or maybe 350W heaters (one basically as back up) you have a sump? In addition your lights may keep things warm as well as your pumps.
In the end you won't have quite 110g with the rock, etc


a good non silica sand is crushed limestone available at lowes and home depot - it is manufacutred by the pavestone co. and has pavestone on the bag. it has the same particle size as argonite and is very, very similar in color, i have two tanks using this mixed with a small amount of live sand -- the best part is the price; about 5-6 dollars per 50 lb bag ---- this is the stuff you use underneath pavestones to pound them flat and level for making stone walkways and stuff
hope that gives you another option


I do not have a sump.....I really do not plan on getting into the whole reef thing....I really just like fish thats why im doin FOWLR...but do you think I would need one? I thought if I had enough live rock that would be my natural filter? and you could have a decent filter but not much... O and Trimmer thanks for your info I think that will give me another option which really helps since its pretty hard to find the right sand....where abouts are you located? I have a lowes right next to my job so I can go check on lunch it in the lumber or in the garden section??? My lights im not sure if I should keep my wimpy ones that I had before or upgrade...I was thinking of something to make my fish look even better then they are not not to sure yet.... I seriously can not wait to get this started....


For the bulk of my 300 lbs, I used "pulverized limestone" by PAVESTONE from Home Depot. Under $5 for a 50 lb bag here. It was in the garden section, but inside the building near where they keep the poisons/pesticides. If you get it, be sure to wash it out until the water doesn't look like milk!!
Good luck!


silica sand is ok to use if you understand that it will not act as a buffer, like arganite sand does. You will need to monitor your alk and cal more often, but silica sand is mostly quarts. It should not cause excessive algea, period.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jupoc911
silica sand is ok to use if you understand that it will not act as a buffer, like arganite sand does. You will need to monitor your alk and cal more often, but silica sand is mostly quarts. It should not cause excessive algea, period.
Silica itself is not a problem.
If you consider that silicious sand (as occurs on the beach - meaning not PURE silica which is available) is like weathered granite. Well you see all the little minerals and such - sometimes even rust. If you used other than pure silica, it might be a problem. But then it wouldn't be nice and white anyway...just I reckon few people would really be keen on it anyway


so you really dont want to use silca sand cuz it does not look at good right? also it would be better for the tank if you dont use silica sand....I get it now, but what about pulverized limestone by PAVESTONE? seems like I have two people on here who recommend it...any ideas on that? do you do the vinegar test on that too?


I went over to lowes today on my lunch to see the crushed limestone....I found it but im not sure if its the same kind that you guys are using. It was in a white bag and looked like cement.....also it was a dark gray color was your the same? I just wondering what the difference would be because I also found sand but it was silica and brown....not really white....any help guys would be great!!! THANKS


I bought some at Homedepot, I put it in a 30 gal. down in the basement, to see how it looked. I put it on window screening and poured old tank water on it. Anything left on the screen I put in the tank. Looks good so far.


what did putting it on the screen do? I had to read it twice since I did not understand it :notsure: but anyways does it look gray for you too? I went to the lowes on 62 the new one and only found the dark gray colored that the one you got too? I saw it and didnt know if I wanted that stuff in my looked more like cement then anything else...


It has some real fine grains in it, what did not go through the screen just looked bettet to me, more of that "sugar" size we all seam to look for.


did you get a lot of the sugar sized ones? I might be doing that forever I have 110 gallon tank that I want to find a good sand bottom


Most of it is useable , 40 pound bag at the depot was 2.65 You might want to buy one bog and try it out, see if you like it.


I think I will how do you like it? is it a white color or more gray? Sorry for asking so many questions its VERY slow at work