Silly question, but has been on my mind lately!



Okay, I am going to do my best to explain the question I am asking. Okay, so lets say that I have a 125G FOWLR system. The tank is leaned to the more aggressive fish, i.e. SFE, Porcupine Puffer, Harlequin Tusk, etc. One day I am looking at my tank and thinking, "I really like my fish, but wish there were more things I could put in this tank other than LR, ya know for more color."
Okay, so here is the official question:
What else can be put into an aggressive 125G FOWLR system other than liverock? i.e. plants, corals, nems, other known decorative SW items, but not so much, that it is a full blown reef tank.
Thanks so much, and I look forward to any replies.


Well Meowzer, the lighting can be changed as I am just now in the process of getting the tank set up and cycled. But I have what came with the setup which isnt bad but its not great either. They are 2 36" Coralife T-5's. They each have 2 bulbs in them, but they are just the T-5s not the HO's. I would really like to be able to keep these and maybe get 2 more of what I have and have 8 T-5 bulbs on the system. What do you think Meowzer? Could I do this and just get better bulbs than what came with them? (which are for freshwater and are getting changed anyways, LOL)


OK, I don't know your fish so I seems the tusk is coral safe, but not invertebrate safe, and the puffer should not be kept with iverts, stars or HARD corals can probably get some colorful mushrooms and zoas that will be ok (I think) with them.....and they should also be ok with your lighting


Thank you Meowzer, the only fish I have right now out of all of those is my SFE, and hes in my 55G until the set up is complete, so my options are still open on the fish, and I hate to say it but I think I am going to pass on the Porcupine so that I can get a Radiata Lionfish. Decisions decisions.
So Zoas are pretty easy huh? Thats awesome because they have always been some of my favorites. This is turning out to be good news! What do you think about the Bottle Brush plants? Would they be okay?
Oh, and what requirements would be needed for the simplest of marine clams? Im not set on this, just a thought.
Thanks so much Meowzer!


Active Member
You should read my review on the derasa clams: It's located on the homepage of the forum.
These clams are pretty hardy, but they still need strong lighting, good water parameters, good calcium levels (gotta build that shell somehow), and should not be placed in an environment where they will get picked on easily (how can they defend themselves).


the lion is a great reef fish, just has to be housed with fish that are bigger than its mouth. But it won't hurt any of the corals (may knock them over if not glued down) Lions are not aggressive towards other fish, just ones that are small and look like food. they are pretty timid and need to be housed with fish that are not going to hurt it. As weird as it sounds Lions seem like big bad fish, but a few of the aggressive fish will kill one easily.


Puffers eat zoas like candy. But I've kept mushroom with agressive fish and puffers without any trouble. Some leathers also work since sometimes fish don't find them very tasty. They might take a bite or two, then leave it alone.