Silver shark!


New Member
I bought a pair of silver shark, which is in the same tank where I have other fishes like gold fish, angel, etc..
Would this shark attack other fishes?


If I am not mistaken, these are freshies? They aren't really sharks, more like catfish. But I have never heard of a goldfish and an angel in the same tank. Don't they prefer different ph levels?


Active Member
If I remember correctly from my freshwater days, silver sharks can be aggressive..... angels spook real easy also. (lose their stripes when this happens) Keep an eye on them, but I don't think it's a good mix. :D

reef ring

New Member
well i used to have a 55 fresh and i had my goldy and 2 angels together in the same tank and tey did fine although the angels can be territorial and sometimes mean they quit peacefull comfortable i had them for years maybe they didn't bother the gold was he was there first and he was big,as for the sharks i kept a seperate tank for my sharks i had balsaand siversin the same tank


Ha Ha, actually, some species are extremely sensitive (I know, I have one) and it is easy to kill them! So there!