silversides... am I missing something?


Active Member
My lion and my eel both looooove sliversides. My LFS sells pro salt brand silversides... a bunch of silversides all frozen together in a small plastic bag. The only way I can find to thaw them is to run them under hot water for a few minutes. The problem is that doing so thaws all the sliversides in the area where the water is running over the package. I only need 3-4 thawed. The constant thawing/refreezing deteriorates the silverside, so when it finally is feed, it just falls appart in the water before it even gets eaten.
Am I missing something? Is there an easier way to feed silversides?


Break off the frozen package what your going to feed them and put it in warm to hot water in a little bowl or something, I use a plastic food container that you would use to store food in fridge and wait for it to thaw and just dump it in the tank water and all,
thats what I do, others might have different ways of doing things


Active Member
Pretty much the same except I use some tank water, break of a chunk and let it thaw. You're right in that they're too small to really handle. Just dump them in. I wish there was something a little bigger.


I was useing silversides but found lance fish from gramma, a litttle bit bigger, come in the same way all frozen together just break off a chunk put it in some water, bot my lion and puffer love them


I buy the 16 oz bag and let it sit in the fridge for a day or two to melt. Then, i take little sandwich bags and put 25-40 silversides in it, lay it flat, and spread them out so they are spread out next to each other. I normally get 10-12 bags worth. Then, I put all the bags in the freezer. That way, when I go to feed "the boys" I just take one bags out, snap off 10-12 fish, put the bag back in the freezer and let the fish thaw. Then it feeding time. Seems to work for me