Umm . . . I've managed to burn holes through clothing with Simple Green before so my gut tells me it doesn't belong on any surface that will come in contact with living things (at least if we want to keep them alive, that is). I've had good luck with Epson salt before and just using handfuls of it to scrub with. --This was a glass tank, not sure if it would work with acrylic.-- Just because things are 'natural' doesn't really make them safe for humans or pets. Simple Green is designed to kill germs, which we actually want to grow in the aquarium (like all that good nitrifying bacteria). I would stick with water and vinegar or epson salt and tons of elbow grease. Maybe fill it up with water (outside the house) for a couple of days if its been sitting a while and do several dump/scrub/refill cycles over the course of a week or two, to soften and remove whatever it is.