Simple question about Tangs


Active Member
SH2000, the problem is the very nature of Tangs.
They are naturally aggressive and territorial. The smaller their confines, the smaller the food resources, the smaller or more infringed upon their territories are, the more aggressive they become.
So tank size plays a large part in compatibility. Obviously their are millions of Tangs in the ocean. In a large enough tank you can have all kinds of Tangs. The smaller the tank, however, the fewer you can have.


I think its a better idea to keep 1 in the 80. I would really like to upgrade to 240 but it's just too expensive. I got my Chevron Tang few days ago I'm worried about its diet.
1,when I drop in some pellets the Wrasses ,Clownfish and Royal Gramma immediately grab the food before the Tang can come out of the cave and get some. (I don't want to overfeed in fear that Nitrates would rise)
2,when I put in a cube of Prime Reef (after its mixed) I don't notice the Chevron Tang eating.
3,When I put an Algae sheet tied to a rock or a piece of letttuce the tang doesn't eat it. (the crabs,snails,urchins and royal gramma nip at it)
4,For a fish that suppose to be swimming alot it just stays in the same spot all day.
The Chevron Tang was the last addition to my tank the other animals have been there for months, the Tang has been there for 4 days or so.


Active Member
That's another problem with Tangs... They need lots of live rock to browse on.
Also, watch your tank closely. Doesn't sound like you QT'd the Tang, and they are prone to carry ich.
Try putting a couple of drops of liquid garlic on the algae sheet. For whatever reason, garlic seems to stimulate feeding.


Will try that.
Didn't QT the tang due to my HT not running well electrical problem...
The formula one pellets say thet have garlic on it is that the same ?


I would be more worry about adding small hippo tang if you have any angel fish rather than different shape tang (since hippo is similar shape to angel when young). I have flame angel and yellow tang and when I add a small blue hippo (similar size to angel), the angel chase him around. yellow tang doesn't even take a second look.


I'm devestated and shocked my Cehvron Tang for no reason I can think of passed a few days ago.

I finally got him to eat Thanks Journyman !!
But he just was upside down first in the morning, I felt helpless like there was nothing I could do. No signs of ICH or ICK,I have sad pics...perhaps someone could shed some light on this.

Water parameters are and were pristine. No Temp changes, everything normal, no water changes done before he passed, I cant think of anything all of my other inhabitants are fine, all inverts/corals fine. No markings on the body of the Chevron.



Active Member
Pleas give use your actual numbers. How did you acclimate it? How long was it at the lfs before you bought it?
There are many factors that could cause this in a new fish?


This is an established 80 gal. RT. with LR/Inverts/Corals.
Temp stable at 78F,Sal. 1.026,PH 8.2,Ammonia 0,Nitrite 0,Nitrate 10,ALK,11.2 DKH,Calcium 450. I shut off the lights, put the bag in the DT for 20 min, put the tang in the Styrofoam box it came in,then drip acclimated it for 1 hour,then poured slowly water from a cup in the box every 15 min for another hour,then poured water in the box with a cup every 5 min, total acclimation time was around 2.5 hours-3hours. I netted the tang and put him in my DT. He grazed algae off LR and stayed in almost the same spot for 4 days or so not swimming much. He did not eat any algae sheets or lettuce at first and he didn't eat small formula one pellets. I think he ate some brine shrimp and some prime reef but couldn't get a great look as he was almost 95% of the time behind LR. I could see him moving looking like he was eating algae off the rock and eating some of the brine shrimp.
I bought it online. (From a reputable site)
I acclimate all my fish this way so far tangs have been the most difficult. Clowns,Wrasses,Goby,Flame Hawk,Blenny...all fine and doing great.


Active Member
Sometimes they just don't ajust to our tanks well after being caught from the ocean.Sorry about your loss. It was a beautiful fish. Hope your warrenty hasn't past.


Active Member
Originally Posted by mcbdz
Sometimes they just don't ajust to our tanks well after being caught from the ocean.Sorry about your loss. It was a beautiful fish. Hope your warrenty hasn't past.
Agreed. Chevrons are not one of the easier tangs to keep either.


Active Member
Sorry for your loss.
Sounds like you did all you could do. Hold off on buying the next one until your QT tank is ready to go.
Sometimes weak fish can be brought back from the brink in the stress free isolation of a QT tank.


When the tang was upside down that was a sign of extreme stress?? could it have been saved if the HT was running ? What are some easier tangs to get ? I've had good experiences with yellow tangs..just tough ones with powder brown and powder blues.

This was my first Chevron, I tried to get a purple tang but the LFS wanted $150 for a small :bump:
blue tang was iffy some good some no good.


Just be patient, I know it's hard but qt the new tang for a full month insuring no disease is present and that the tang is eating well. I think that the key to keeping tangs is in the diet. I feed a piece of nori from Wal-mart every time I pass by the tank and also feed alot of mysis shrimp once a day. I have 3 tangs together and they like to eat alot. Also strong water movement is important for tangs. Good luck
Yellows are your best bet for an 80 gallon


Garlic Powder ? Fresh garlic in a blender squirted on the Nori ? I would think tie to a rock and drop in.. any help is appreciated as i now have at ang and want him to eat and thrive.


Originally Posted by Lysol
Negative Ghost Rider.
The pattern is full. Call the ball


Active Member
I grade the end of fresh garlic and rub it on the nori, getting graded pieces on it too. Then give it 5 minutes to soak in, fold it and either put on the clip or rubber band to rock. The few garlic piese that are in there the fish eat too.


i have a blue hippo and a sailfin tang in my 75 but the hippo is 2.5-3" big right now the sail fin dosent mind him and hes like 7" i know how big each of these get i have 150 tank set up has 4 fish it in, LMB, neon goby, coral beaut and flame angle in therelargest fish is 2.5" and a few frags ive gotten...but when the 2 start to fight i will put the blue hippo in the 150 sence i only want bright colored fish in there, i know LMB isnt bright but when i started that tank and cycled it it had a ton of hair algee so i got him for it its been gone for like a year now (the hair) he seems fine and well feed so im not to worried about him, i migth put both of them in there my sailfin is my oldest fish hahaha and his name is goober....ive read this hole trend...every one says not to mix tangs but i say as long as you have future plans in place and know what your going to do then go for it, tangs are my favorite fish as they seem to form bonds with their keepers i know mine has hes the fellow on my avitar