Simple Sump Pic


Just wanted to post a pic of my sump for any new hobbiest that may be thinking about putting one together. This is very basic, but it gave me an additional 7 gallons of water and lets me hid some equipment out of the display tank...


Nice! I may steal your design. Right now I have a WD that I got when I bought my used tank (55 Gal).
It has a small pre filter area (enough for a heater) which when it fills the water trickles over some bio balls and then fills a very small sump.
In this I have a MAG 5 that returns the water to the tank.
I now want a skimmer but have no room in the sump. I was considering a HOT AquaC remora.
If I put a 10 gal tank and have the hose from my overflow fill the tank and put my MAG5 there I could do what you have.
Since I have a lot of LR I should be able to loose the Bio balls...
What do you guys think?!


Active Member
Your set-up looks good, rossim.
VWBortoni, before you remove the bio balls, how much live rock do you have?



Originally posted by lion_crazz
VWBortoni, before you remove the bio balls, how much live rock do you have?

I estimate about 40 pounds plus 30 pounds of live sand.
What about oxygen exchange? is the return from the MAG 5 hitting the surface sufficient?
Here's a pic of the 55 with the rock and sand.
I also have a maxi jet 1200 (pictured) and a RIO 600 for more flow.


Active Member
You have plenty of movement, but I would not say that that was enough rock to remove your bio balls. You are not even at 1 lb. per gallon yet, so I would hold off on that idea.
You do have enough circulation though.
As far as oxygen is concerned, what kind of filtration do you have? Wet/dry? Do you have a protein skimmer?



Originally posted by lion_crazz
You have plenty of movement, but I would not say that that was enough rock to remove your bio balls. You are not even at 1 lb. per gallon yet, so I would hold off on that idea.
You do have enough circulation though.
As far as oxygen is concerned, what kind of filtration do you have? Wet/dry? Do you have a protein skimmer?

I have only the wet dry. I don't have a protein skimmer yet. I'm researching which one to get which is why I want to swipe the above desing.
Let's say I had 60 pounds of LR and a HOT protein skimmer. Could get rid of my W/D all together? Is that what some people do? Would a skimmer provide all the needed oxygen exchange?
Thanks :confused:


I think you would be good with 60 lbs of LR and a protien skimmer. However, you might want a little more LR than that in a 55 gal tank. I have about 50 lbs of LR in my 29 gallon.


Active Member
I would not get rid of your wet/dry. It's the best type of filtration for a saltwater tank, because it provides a nice amount of aeration to the tank (as does a protein skimmer). A lot of people fill their tank with a 1.5 lb of live rock per gallon and just throw a few powerheads in the tank for filtration, but personally, I don't think this is enough. It doesn’t provide the aeration that a wet/dry does. If you really want to get rid of your bio balls though, I would wait until you have about 75 or 80 lbs. of live rock.


I guess this ensures I have to get a HOT skimmer since I have no room in the small sump in the WD.
What do you guys suggest is better ?
1) AquaC remora
2) Aqua Medic Turboflotor 1000 Multi Protein Skimmer
3) CPR Bak-Pak2
4) Red Sea Berlin H.O. Protein Skimmer


Active Member
I have had good experience with the AquaC's and the Red Sea. I have never used or seen someone with a Bak-Pak2 so I couldn't tell you on that one. Currently, I am using a Super Reef Devil external skimmer, and I love it.