Single Green Chromis

Has anyone ever had experience/good results form just keeping a single green chromis? I've read that they only school if there is large fish, and my tank is too small for anything bigger than a dwarf angel.


Active Member
I kept a single chromis in my QT to kept the cycle going. Does fine and always enjoy some company while new fish arrive. I started out with 3, but one was sucked up by an uncovered Maxi 1200, the other was ate by a 6" Lei Trigger.


Active Member
I have just 1 as well... active pretty fish.. I'd like to get a small school but I have a suspicion my carpet anemone has taken out two fish :( so I need someone to take him from me one of these days.


yes i did have 3 now only one the culpret was my overflow box
yes but i have one now very entertaing to watch and eats like a pig