Single or double halide + PC System


For a 36"L tank is a single or double bulb metal halide + PC fixture better? Would a single ahlide be enough?


Active Member
The experts say you want a MH for about every 2 ft of length on your tank; but the depth of the tank plays a factor as well. You'd probably be able to get by fine w/ one MH w/ a few supporting PCs.


Thanks for the input. The depth of the tank is 24" so I am going back and forth between a single or double 250 watt bulb with 2 55 watt 10000Ks and 2 actinic bulbs. Just not sure on the correct number of halides in terms of the dispersion of light from the bulbs.


Active Member
It would be enough light per say but, you will have some dead spots along the sides of the tank. You can limit this by the use of supplemental lighting.
Another problem is going to be a centr brace. These have a nasty habbit of casting shadows with single halide setups. A ood reflector will help but not completly eliminate this.
A dual would be best but, heat and money are limiting factors. I have seen people use mirrors to help with the shadow but, you open a whole other bag of problems using them. Salt Creep being the least and Flaking paint being another problem.
Good Luck


Thanks for the input I had a feeling that there would be inadequately lit places using a single fixture just found it odd that as I was researching fixtures there were very few 36" fixtures that were set up as dual halides as opposed to a single halide.


Insted of debating what kind of MH setup to buy invest in a 75 or 90G thats a 4' tank and you can but a dual MH setup. The bewst part of this idea is that you can put some many different kinds of fish in a four foot tank rather than a three foot.


If only we had the space, the 58 was new in March up from a 37 which was a 2' tank. I wanted a 75 or 90 but it wouldn't fit in the room where the tank lives so that was not an option :( which brings me back to the original debate of a single or double halide fixture.