Single or Two Fish Tanks


I orginally posted this over is the aggresive forum and didnt get a response, and I am really hoping to get some ideas before I lay out the plan for rebuilding the tank.
I had a 75g community reef tank that sadly after 3 years of success, died off in less then 24 hours. I have began both the rebuilding process and started to finish the grieving process.
In my tank going forward, I am looking just to have 1 or 2 larger inhabitants who would be considered aggresive. I have some i issues with anything venomous (trying not to get a lion) but I am looking for input on who would be happiest in this type of setup.
Any advice?


Active Member
A 75 is going to limit you a bit as far as aggressive fish go. A smaller eel, like a snowflake would be good in there. Most triggers get too big, as do Tangs and full size angels. Have you looked at any of the dwarf angels like the Coral Beauty or Flame? Also, a dwarf lion would be great in that size tank, but they are venomous.


New Member
If u do put a trigger just get only one considering their size and temperment. A nice pink tail would to if bought as a juv. of course. Dwarf angels is a good choice. and if you want throw in a couple of yellow tail blue damsels for background touches.


How about a picasso trigger and a harlequin tusk - nice contrast and equal temperament - have seen them do well together