Single white dot?



Looks like I won't have to sell the tang after all. He's calmed down a lot and stopped chasing the lunare. Still does it once in a while but it's getting better each day.


Staff member
Don't count on it. I had a yellow tang that was best buds with everyone, and even paired up with one of my clowns. He suddenly went postal and killed half my fish, including the clownfish, before I discovered it was him. The problem is that these fish have a lethal weapon, and when they use it, a lot of damage occurs.
I do wish you luck.


Originally Posted by Beth
Don't count on it. I had a yellow tang that was best buds with everyone, and even paired up with one of my clowns. He suddenly went postal and killed half my fish, including the clownfish, before I discovered it was him. The problem is that these fish have a lethal weapon, and when they use it, a lot of damage occurs.
I do wish you luck.
Yikes!! Wow, I would not have expected that.


I believe my Powder Blue Tang had the barb removed by the LFS, before I bought him. Because it's not there, like it is on my Naso Tang. That area is just flat. So he can't do much damage, even if he wants.
Originally Posted by RCreations
I believe my Powder Blue Tang had the barb removed by the LFS, before I bought him. Because it's not there, like it is on my Naso Tang. That area is just flat. So he can't do much damage, even if he wants.
I guess he was a terror there too huh?
Do you have a pic of this fish? I want to see the poweder blue!


powder blues scalpel is much smaller than a naso, does seem flat when they are youngish, but they can be mean and kill even without the scalpel


Oh believe me, I know they can be mean.
He's the king of the tank, nobody messes with him. Funny thing though, he's best friends with my naso tang. But I got both at about the same time and they spent a good 1-2 months in a QT together, when they were smaller. The powder blue turned out with ich after being in QT for 2 weeks and then my friend gave me the naso, so I treated both in the QT with hypo. They grew up together.