Sings... "Tiny Bubbles... "



Okay, I've asked this a zillion times. My apologies if I missed an answer, but I don't recall ever getting one. My Skilter (not yet modified) sends tons of tiny bubbles into the tank. I'm NOT asking how to remove them. I've read the instructions and will get to it, but in the meantime...
Do these tiny bubbles in the tank cause any damage or problems? If yes, what and why. I only run the PS from time to time. Right now it's pulling out a lot of junk (good) -- I think it is from the move.
Please tell me if these tiny bubbles are harmful in any way. Tanks.


Hey Sandy,
I have a Skilter 400 and the only problem I have had from the bubbles is a little salt creep on my light....I just scrape it off every once in a while and have had no problems...Tank has been up since June of last year...HTH :)


I see that you are running a is that working out... I am looking to change my equipment and was thinking about trying a fluval or going with refugium....just wondering :)


All the advice I've had on the Fluval is GET RID OF IT - that it is a host for all sorts of waste and is generally used only as a cleaning tool/pump for water changes, etc. This of course depends on how much rock, good circulation, adequate cleaning crew and dsb. It's a great powerhead though. lol.
I have a pretty new tank - 3 months and have had terrible nitrAte problems. I now count on the good bacteria in the LR and Sand and clean out the Fluval once a week or twice a month depending. I rinse the container and media in salt water to preserve some bacteria. A lot of crap grows in the hoses and I have to keep them rinsed out as well. After cleaning, and rinsing the hoses... the Fluval still blows out all sorts of crap from the hoses.
I don't like it.