Sins of *****


I went to ***** today to pick up a cheap thermometer. Decided I'd tantalize my interest and look at some of their saltwater. Usually they just have some cheap saltwater fish in little cramped tanks. But today was different. I was so appalled by what I saw. There were 2 anemones under their flourents bulbs floating around half dead. They had coral...COOORRAALLLL...under the same lighting. and they had "live rock" that looked exactly the same as their base rock. And to top it off, I saw a full grown pinktail in their little 10 gallon tanks. I was so appalled I talked to the manager, and he told me there was nothing he could do, what they send him is what he is required to sell, and he can't upgrade the lighting or anything because the tanks are designed by corporate. I asked if he could give me the anemones and coral at cost since they were dying and I figured I could give em a shot at living, and he said all prices are set by corporate, blah, blah, blah...I wish their was a way to start a petition or something to not allow ***** to have any saltwater cept damsels and clowns. But man, this just put a bump in my day.


Originally Posted by Limitedslip
I went to ***** today to pick up a cheap thermometer. Decided I'd tantalize my interest and look at some of their saltwater. Usually they just have some cheap saltwater fish in little cramped tanks. But today was different. I was so appalled by what I saw. There were 2 anemones under their flourents bulbs floating around half dead. They had coral...COOORRAALLLL...under the same lighting. and they had "live rock" that looked exactly the same as their base rock. And to top it off, I saw a full grown pinktail in their little 10 gallon tanks. I was so appalled I talked to the manager, and he told me there was nothing he could do, what they send him is what he is required to sell, and he can't upgrade the lighting or anything because the tanks are designed by corporate. I asked if he could give me the anemones and coral at cost since they were dying and I figured I could give em a shot at living, and he said all prices are set by corporate, blah, blah, blah...I wish their was a way to start a petition or something to not allow ***** to have any saltwater cept damsels and clowns. But man, this just put a bump in my day.
***** is sick. id say its animal abuse. no joke. poor fish


Many people say they hate ***** but the one around here is quite nice.
though have a problem with a few of their methods, I know a person who works at ***** and she trys to fix what I tell her she can do to fix it. (example: dont put certain fish with others and things that need more light get put up on a rock for more light. it is the best she can do
My ***** has very nice clean tanks and I have had good luck with thier fish


Active Member
the ***** by my house has had anemones for about 1 year now. they always look either bleeched or starving and shriveled in the corner of the tank. they also have baby SFE's that are put in a the bigger tanks but they are in a cup the size of a cup that you would buy your beta in.
sadly ***** is in the business for profit just as many other LFS are. it is rare that you find a store that has all of there livestock under the proper care and parameters.


actually new *****'s have MH lighting. the one that just opened a month ago next to my house is a good one. the owner actually knows his stuff. he has a frag tank going and stuff. so id say this is a rare *****.


My ***** keeps all there saltwater tanks including there invert tanks at about 14 salitay. All there inverts dye within a day and there is usually a pile of snail and hermit crabs because they keep getting them and dumping them in every tuesday. Starfish makes it for a couple and the anomenes about a week. But the good news for me is i say that poly or coral is live rock and i get it for 7 bucks a pound so i have a ton of them since they are stupid. I keep calling into the ***** hotline and they do not do anything. As far as fish they look pretty bad and have lots of tangs in a little tank. I think all there damsels die within a week or so. Life must suck....
Steffen Sparks


Originally Posted by SAMBASAM
actually new *****'s have MH lighting. the one that just opened a month ago next to my house is a good one. the owner actually knows his stuff. he has a frag tank going and stuff. so id say this is a rare *****.
that sounds like a nice *****


Originally Posted by jtrzerocool
sadly ***** is in the business for profit just as many other LFS are. it is rare that you find a store that has all of there livestock under the proper care and parameters.
two LFS here have most of their fish in the proper care and parameters, but they have alot of 125s set up for larger fish, small sharks and rays, 10s for reef fish, and 55s for medium fish. All coral under MH or t5 or both. same w/ anemeones and clams.
there is one LFS which is designed to sell fast, so fish are nice, but they dont last long before they are sold. and hte rest are jut as bad as ***** ><. I guess the two good ones kinda skew my perceptions up because its like a day and night view.


Active Member
Yea most *****'s are like hes talking. Never in my life seen a nice one. It seems like they are violating a code or something because everytime I go fish are sick, or dead. Instead of talking about this and saying we "wish" we could do something lets email them. EVERYONE or make up some huge email from the folks at Lets take this to the next level and do something Im in. Even if nothing happens at least they have to sleep on it because they are not treating animals properly.
***** aka. Deathco


Originally Posted by TriGa22
Yea most *****'s are like hes talking. Never in my life seen a nice one. It seems like they are violating a code or something because everytime I go fish are sick, or dead. Instead of talking about this and saying we "wish" we could do something lets email them. EVERYONE or make up some huge email from the folks at Lets take this to the next level and do something Im in. Even if nothing happens at least they have to sleep on it because they are not treating animals properly.
***** aka. Deathco
Read post 6 have called in several times they do not car maybe PETA will lol....
Steffen Sparks


HAHAHAHA, those "cheep fluorescent" lights you are talking about are T-5s!!! Wow, how cheep uh??? Funny how most people grow SPS under these "cheep lights" you speak of. . . Not all Petcos are the same. The one closest to me is VERY nice, and their employees know what they are talking about.


Active Member
normal t5s like the slim coralife fixtures are almost as worthless as the regular t12 setups the ho t5 are overdriven bulbs (not as much as icecap) and are comparable to many 150 and 250 mh setups and even some 400 mh the size of the bulb doesnt always mean its good


Active Member
at the ***** here there was a fish lying on the bottom gasping for air and i told the manager and he went over stuck his hand in the tank poked the fish with his finger and said "our policy is we dont take them out until they are dead" i asked if they had a hospital tank or something they could try to help him and he said "nope we just wait it out and if they die we throw them away" i didnt know what to say i just walked off,,,,,,,,


Active Member
Oh Yippy!!! Another bash ***** thread!!
If you do not like *****...
By buying ANYTHING there you are supporting the store. If you bought the animals, they would get new one's.
But how is it that so many people know all these horror stories about their *****? Why are you there buying stuff if it is that bad??? I am always confused by this...
Not all *****'s are the same. Please do not make blanket statements about that. But honestly. If you have a problem with the store, don't buy anything there.



Originally Posted by ophiura
Oh Yippy!!! Another bash ***** thread!!
If you do not like *****...
By buying ANYTHING there you are supporting the store. If you bought the animals, they would get new one's.
But how is it that so many people know all these horror stories about their *****? Why are you there buying stuff if it is that bad??? I am always confused by this...
Not all *****'s are the same. Please do not make blanket statements about that. But honestly. If you have a problem with the store, don't buy anything there.
exactly and they are bound on most things by the corprate offices and nothing an individual manager does is going to change that.
Now on the other hand if people quit buying the stuff at a particualr store they pull all the saltwater tanks and convert them to fresh so back to what ophiura said if you dont like the conditions dont buy from there if enough people do that they quit selling those items as long as they are being sold they will keep restocking them.


earlier today i stopped by a new _____ (don't want to get sued or anything) that was just built by my house. i didn't even realize that they had saltwater. after looking over their display of ich, slime algae, dead and dying fish, and dead rock, i was planning on starting a thread. someone beat me to it.
out of curiosity i asked the guy that worked there a few questions. i asked if he had any anenomes (since there was a star polyp labeled as an anenome). he pointed to some mushrooms.
i asked him how they acclimate everything, and he showed me a bag floating in the water (temp acclimating) and he said after 15 minutes that they just put it right on into the tank.
i attempted to teach him for a few minutes but realized that it was a losing battle.
i asked him what days/times the shipments come in, and asked if i could buy something straight out of the shipping box. maybe i'd be able to spare some life that way.
but probably buying nothing from them at all is the better solution.


Originally Posted by SAMBASAM
actually new _____ have MH lighting. the one that just opened a month ago next to my house is a good one. the owner actually knows his stuff. he has a frag tank going and stuff. so id say this is a rare _____.
the newly built one by me just has flourescent lighting, i lifted up the top panel to check.


Originally Posted by Limitedslip
I went to ***** today to pick up a cheap thermometer. Decided I'd tantalize my interest and look at some of their saltwater. Usually they just have some cheap saltwater fish in little cramped tanks. But today was different. I was so appalled by what I saw. There were 2 anemones under their flourents bulbs floating around half dead. They had coral...COOORRAALLLL...under the same lighting. and they had "live rock" that looked exactly the same as their base rock. And to top it off, I saw a full grown pinktail in their little 10 gallon tanks. I was so appalled I talked to the manager, and he told me there was nothing he could do, what they send him is what he is required to sell, and he can't upgrade the lighting or anything because the tanks are designed by corporate. I asked if he could give me the anemones and coral at cost since they were dying and I figured I could give em a shot at living, and he said all prices are set by corporate, blah, blah, blah...I wish their was a way to start a petition or something to not allow ***** to have any saltwater cept damsels and clowns. But man, this just put a bump in my day.
You can't keep corals and anemone's under the same lighting?


Originally Posted by willsmith1
You can't keep corals and anemone's under the same lighting?
you can but anemones need a stronger light than most of the corals that they sell. so in thier situation no they cant keep them alive for very long under the same light.


Active Member
Fortunately for some lucky livestock (evidently), my local ***** doesn't sell saltwater... Just supplies.