Sins of *****


i have like 3 petcos near me. the new one is great MH lighting. one is horrible anemones and stuff under florescants. and one is ok because all they sell for saltwater is False percula clowns which sell so quickly they dont die in the tanks. my LFS is great i love em.


Active Member
***** is a chain. If you support a "good" ***** with your business you are equally supporting all of the "bad" *****'s.
If you don't like their business, don't buy anything from them.


Active Member
Originally Posted by scotty37
you would flip at the one in winchester VA then. they have anemones in there right now and some corals, same situation. Nothing is for sale because of all the ich. And its hard to even see the fish through all the hair algae. They have 2 tanks of live rock that they didnt even take the paper tags off of.
Okay, if your talking about the paper on the live rock that says "walt smith" then the reason why they don't take those off is it identifies which live rock is fiji and which is aquacultured. Sometimes what you might think is their laziness, is done that way for a reason. If in fact that was the label you are talking about.


I totally agree! If you don't like ***** then don't shop there. Nobody is making you go in there and buy supplies. I personally work for ***** and my ***** is VERY caring about all the animals. I would definately say that we spoil them. We have a few employees that specialize in saltwater fish and we know about the anemone problem. We have discussed it with our managers and told them about the lighting. There isn't anything that we can do about what we get in. However our anemones don't stay in our tank for long, they are usually bought up pretty quickly.
The reason that the fish are in small tanks is because they don't stay with us for long and you will find that all fish stores do exactly the same thing. We actually had a dogfaced puffer that everyone loved and we would give it treats thoughout the day (ex. freeze dried krill and blood worms) and we would also give it a little tummy rub everyday.

So I take a lot of pride in my staff's dedication for the well being of our animals. If you just so happen to not like the ***** that you go to then don't go there. But, I asure you that not all *****'s are the same because not all the people that work there are the same.


There is a non-***** shop on the Philly city limits and let me just tell you...this shop would make you WISH they were meeting *****'s standards.. They have a white tip shark in a 120 gal tank that has never been cleaned. It runs off of a wet-dry with algae/sludge for bio-balls. They have puppies - an average of 2 to a cage - but some cages have 4 10 week old chihuahuas pooping all over each other. The shelter that I used to volunteer at has helped the situation by stopping in and calling the authorities when something is clearly wrong. But I guess it pays them to just pay a fine and go back to business as usual.
If you ask me, if a ***** is not providing proper lighting for anenomes, then they are poor businesspeople. But I WISH that was the only problem at this pet store. They have a 20 gallon breeder with AT LEAST 30 baby turtles in it. Turtles produce 5x-10x as much waste as a fish, so you get the idea.
If anyone uses LFS in the Bucks County / NE Philly area and wants to know the places to avoid, you can pm me.
I dont think it can ever hurt to bring this stuff to light. People need to know what they are supporting.



Originally Posted by puffin04
Read post 6 have called in several times they do not car maybe PETA will lol....
Steffen Sparks
Did you know that *****
did a settlement with peta
and they agreed NOT to carry Larger birds because they couldn't provide the caging requirements in the store. (Macaws, amazons etc. Anything larger than a conure)
Maybe we can contact peta and have them do something about it!
...Im in! lol



Originally Posted by puffin04
Read post 6 have called in several times they do not car maybe PETA will lol....
Steffen Sparks
Did you know, according to Pet products news magazine, *****
reached an agreement with peta
where they agreed NOT to carry Larger birds because they couldn't provide the proper care in their stores, in exchange peta left them alone in this case. (Macaws, amazons etc. Anything larger than a conure)
...(now its Iams Co. LOL)


***** told me that i didn't need to do water changes that was from someone in the reptile dept.



Originally Posted by cpbirds407
Did you know, according to Pet products news magazine, *****
reached an agreement with peta
where they agreed NOT to carry Larger birds because they couldn't provide the proper care in their stores, in exchange peta left them alone in this case. (Macaws, amazons etc. Anything larger than a conure)
...(now its Iams Co. LOL)
Very true. Their limitation is classified as large Parrots, which they can not carry. They can carry small/medium Parrots, such as Conures, and Medium Parrots, such as Alexandrian Parakeets, and Quaker Parakeets. PETA is now pursuing Petsmart, as they are still able to carry Large size Parrots, such as Macaws, Amazons, African Greys, and then Cockatoos also.