Six line Wrase


New Member
Hello everyone... I have recently purchased a 6 line wrase. He has been in my tank for about 1.5 weeks. For some reason he is swimming on his side and upside down a lot. He doesn't seem to use his tail or back to swim. Funny thing is he has been doing this for about 4 days and he still eats fine. Any ideas? Do you think he will get better?


We have had a six line (flipper) for about a month and he/she has never demonstrated that behavior. Ours loves to swim in and out of the rockwork, nipping constantly at the rocks and mushroom polys we have. I'm not an expert but those that are usually recommend checking water parameters and also say that many fish of the same species behave differently.
i hope this was a little helpful <img src="graemlins//urrr.gif" border="0" alt="[urrr]" />