Six Line Wrasse – Faded Scales and Bloated Tummy?


I might be crazy, but my new Six Line looks like it has a bloated tummy and his scales are a little discolored. I have also witnessed what looked like skin/scale pealing from time to time in the faded areas on his body. Should I be concerned?
I had another Six Line before this that was unfortunately killed by a Powerhead a few weeks ago, so I picked up another Six Line. The other Six Line was very brightly colored and looked a lot more skinny. (Said murderous Powerhead is no longer in the tank)
The new wrasse is eating very well and is also very active in the tank. So I may be over reacting, but I want to make sure all is good.



Originally Posted by sepulatian
I honestly do not see anything at all on him. Can you describe the peeling of his scales?
It is random. I only see it once every other day. There are one or two spots where it looks like a loose scale, then later in the day his body looks more clear like in these pics. You can see the faded color in these pics in spots. Also the Bloated Tummy.


I sort of see the bloated in the stomach. I think the discoloration may just be from the enlarged belly. As far as scales could this be from banging into rock or other inhabitants?
Is it eating too much?


It mostly eats off the rocks all day. I only feed the fish everyother day and not enought to overfeed this guy. So unless he is eating a ton of stuff off the rocks, like worms, I don't think that is the cause of the Bulge...


He honestly looks healthy to me. Dropsy will cause stomach bloat, but it would also cause the scales to stick out. Not one or two scales, all of them. When you look down at a fish with dropsy it is very clear, they get a "pine cone" look to them.