Six-line Wrasse Behavior


My six-line wrasse is about a week old now in the tank, only other tank-mate is a purple firefish. I noticed tonight out of dumb luck the six-line was chasing it's tail, it must have made 9 or 10 rapid revolutions in the same place in the water column then swam off. I'm wondering if this is normal behavior for them? Anyone ever seen them do this? After having had an ich outbreak on my new tank i'm kind of skiddish (sp.) about strange movements. I waited a full two months after the ich outbreak before adding any fish to the tank. No other visible signs of disease are notable. Tank parameters are Ni=0 Na=10 pH 8.3-8.4 specific grav 1.025 NH3=0 temp fluctuates between 78-83*.


Active Member
I've never seen that specic behavior, but my 6-line does all kinds of nutty stuff. They seem to have too much personality for their little bodies, so they end up doing strange stuff like that.


Active Member
His behavior is normal. They all act like they belong in a mental ward. Don't worry, it means that he's happy.


Phew!! thanks for the replies guys and gals, the little nutcase is doing well now two weeks after acclimation. He is one kewl little bugger :D