Six line wrasse compatibility?


I have an abundance of bristle worms and they come out during the day. I want to know if I can have a sixline wrasse with the fish I already have which are:
Singapore Angel, Yellow tang, royal gramma, bicolor blenny, blue damsel, and a goby. I have 1 coral banded shrimp, 3 peppermint shrimp, 1 blood red shrimp, many narcissis snails, turbo snails, astra snails, hermit crabs, emerald crabs, red crabs and porcelain crabs.
I have noticed some of these worms to be about 8-9 inches long and about half and inch wide. I will cut down the feeding but I really want to eliminate some of them.
They are mostly in the live rock at the bottom so removing the rock and dipping in fresh water or carbonated water would be a major task and I could harm other critters in the process.
I have also read that an Arrow crab would eat these but would this crab be compatible with what's in there?
Thanks for any help.


Active Member
Hi Mary!
In answer to your direct question, I believe that a sixline wrasse would do fine in your tank, as far as compatability.
However, a word of caution. The sixline is not guaranteed to eat the bristleworms, and my guess would be that he will NOT help with he larger worms. Sixlines are a fairly small species of wrasse.
There are larger wrasse, that might help, but as you know, you can't hire a fish and then send him on his way. I personally have two cigar wrasse (they will get large) and I don't see the bristleworms except in the rocks, when I turn the lights on. They do a great job. They also eat crustaceans. Good with the bad

I will also have to trade them or upgrade to a 90 gal, soon.
Arrow crabs are said to be aggressive when they are larger, so I would be wary of them, considering your current ground crew.


Originally Posted by PonieGirl
Hi Mary!
In answer to your direct question, I believe that a sixline wrasse would do fine in your tank, as far as compatability.
However, a word of caution. The sixline is not guaranteed to eat the bristleworms, and my guess would be that he will NOT help with he larger worms. Sixlines are a fairly small species of wrasse.
There are larger wrasse, that might help, but as you know, you can't hire a fish and then send him on his way. I personally have two cigar wrasse (they will get large) and I don't see the bristleworms except in the rocks, when I turn the lights on. They do a great job. They also eat crustaceans. Good with the bad

I will also have to trade them or upgrade to a 90 gal, soon.
Arrow crabs are said to be aggressive when they are larger, so I would be wary of them, considering your current ground crew.
I have heard I would need to be cautious with the arrow crab. I will try a six line and try to catch the larger worms myself. I read about the panty hose trick so I assume a knee hi would work great. There's just too many of them right now.