Six line wrasse.... Is it a cleaner wrasse?



Hi All,
I just picked up a six line wrasse from a tank that my friend is breaking down. He is doing great in his larger tank, but I noticed that my maroon clown is allowing him to "clean" him. Also I noticed my yellow tang swiming up next to him and almost asking for him to clean him. Is this common with a six line wrasse?


Active Member
My Coral Beauty is in love with my 6 line, always scooting up beside him and the wrasse does his thing.

nm reef

Active Member
I've never seen it first hand but I have heard of it happening a few times on the forums. I suppose it is possible for them to search for tasty lil parasites. They do like flatworms and bristle worms and other such stuff so maybe parasites attached to fish will appeal to them also.