Six Line Wrasse Problem...


Beth and Others:
I just bought a sixline two days ago. Today it looks like his "skin" or scales or peeling. It is white, not dots like ick. He looks and acts fine, but not sure what is wrong with him. Any help would be appreciated. My paramaters are all in range and normal, though my temp is a little high around 81. Sorry I would take a picture of him, but we all know that Six Lines are a little camera shy. I will try to get one though....


Staff member
Try to post up a pic ASAP.
Are the fish's gills swollen or is he gilling rapidly? Please provide more details about what you are seeing. Are the scales protruding, or is there a film coming off of him?


Sorry for the lack of details, that was my first post in the Disease Forum. He is not breathing hard. There is nothing swollen or any of that as well. It just looks like skin that is peeling off, like it would on a human. Today it looks better. He is eating and acting just fine... I guess it kinda looks like slime but on the other hand it doesnt, hopefully I can get a pick soon and show you and others. Hope these details help a little more.