Six Line Wrasse question



I'm very interested in getting a six line wrasse ( I think some call it pyjama wrasse ) but have read that they may attack ornamental shrimp. I have 3 fire shrimp and 1 CBS. All are pretty decent in size. Anyone have experience with this? Any help is appreciated.


I have a six line wrasse and he seems to leave my peppermint shrimp and cbs alone. Where are you at? I have one that is just beautiful and big and healthy but he has begun to harass my neon goby (his name is pipi). I am wanting to trap him and sell him ( for a greatly reduced price) or try to exchange him for a really small one at the lfs that I got him at. I am in Swartz Creek (suburb of Flint) MI.


Active Member
I've had my 6 line for about 6 months and I've never seen him approach shrimp. It is the policeman of the tank though. Makes sure everyone (except the yellow tang) stay in their designated areas. I think if you have plenty of lr for him to go in and out of and eat off of things will be alright. But we all know every fish has it's own personality.
Good Luck!


Thanks for the information all. I am located in San Jose, CA, so I guess picking up your Wrasse is out of the question 8^). Anyway, the ones I seen at my LFS are smaller than my shrimp by far. I think I will give this a try...


Active Member
my 6-line likes to pester my arrow crab, but they go back and forth... and he also likes to steal silversides from my cleaner shrimp.. but very docile as a overall


Active Member
Mine is very cool, weaves in and out of the rock, swims up to the glass to see me and I think may be my favorite fish. I have 2 cleaner shrimp and a fireshrimp and it never bothers them. Sixlines are cleaner fish though. Mine will sometime swim up to the one of the other fish and pick at it, but it is really only to clean and never causes any problems. It also loves to play tag with my royal gramma. One or the other will swim up, face off open their mouths then the chase is on. They have been doing this for months now and I'm convinced they both enjoy the romp, then go about their business. My sixline also loves nori and when I put a piece in the tank, the coral beauty, sixline and yellow tang will play tug of war with it for a while. Mine at least is just a great fish and loves to play but has never hurt or caused stress to anything else in my tank. HTH

kevin j

I love my 6-line he weaves in and out of the rocks looking for anything to fill his tummy!:D He has not hurt anything but as of late he likes to chase my clown doesnt seem to hurt him or anything. Just likes to take the chase for a minute or so then goes back about his bizz. I have had him for over a year so cool!


Active Member
The six line is definately my wifes favorite. Never bothers my shrimo or my crab. He's actually the dad of the tank, when my fire fish are fighting he swims in between them


I have a six line and have a peppermint and cleaner shrimp and they get along. They are really neat fish, their coloring and personality is really neat. I think they eat some type of worm can't remember specifically.