Six Line Wrasse turned psycho


Much to my dismay our six line wrasse killed our cherub angel this evening. They had co existed in the tank for better than three months. Now I believe what I thought was a string of "bad luck" with adding new fish was actually the wrasse. We are down to the wrasse and a false perc and I fear the percs days are numbered if I don't do something. Anyone experience this. Should I get rid of the wrasse or is there something we can put in our 29 gal biocube that will kick his ass and make him straighten up.


Active Member
This is not really all that uncommon. Sixlines have a pretty broad spectrum of personalities. I've had peaceful ones and one that killed a flasher wrasse twice it's size and picked on other fish. The one I have now isn't too bad but he is pushy with my damsels and clowns. If the wrasse has begun exhibitng aggression after this much time, I would agree that your clown may be at risk. Your call, but removing it might be the answer. A tank of that size also doesn't offer much space for fish to stay out of each other's way. In larger systems, sixlines can be a bit more social.


Active Member
cherub angels are known for being just as nasty as sixlines (nastier as a whole. one of the nastier tempered of the dwarf angel even though its one of the smallest). I'd try another. If you have to take the sixline out, rearrange and put them both in at the same time. make sure its a little bigger than the sixline.


Active Member
Wow...My six line must be a punk...He got bullied by a Purple Pseudo for about a week and finally the psuedo left him alone..never would defend himself...huh..weird..


Active Member
My tiny maroon clownfish put the Hawaiian trigger in it's place. The clown was the first in the tank and the trigger didn't get in until 4 months later as the last fish. The trigger is about 6 inches and the maroon is 1.5 inches. The trigger doesn't bother the clown and the clown no longer harasses the trigger. I know the maroon is the most aggressive of the clowns but I wouldn't be surprised if your clown can take care of himself. Clowns are damsels and everyone knows little damsels can be vicious and harrassing.