Six line wrasse..Will it eat unwanted pests?


Ok I have heard a six line wrasse will do some serious work on unwanted pests in the tank like worms. What is the deal with these fish, is this true? I have been getting several weird flat worms around my tank that are starting to become an annoyance to me. Does a six line wrasse cruise around and destroy these annoyances? Also are they peacful fish?


Active Member
I had a Six Line for a while. It ate most everything it found that would fit in its mouth. Amphipods, mini brittle stars (it was always funny to see it swimming around with brittle star arms sticking out of it's mouth, flailing about). I haven't had any flatworms (thank God), but I've read many reports that they eat them too. I would think they would.
Peaceful? I had to trade my Six Line back to the LFS because it got into fights with the Royal Gramma. The RG may have been the instigator, though.


Good to know! As my tank is maturing I'm noticing more unwanted critters. I believe it is a type of flatworm, it's tan/biege color with spots of black and black small tentacles on the head.
I don't think he will bully too many fishies in my tank, my clowns hold their own and show the chromis who own the tank, tangs are too fast, and the goby's will hold a standoff with the wrasse, so I think I will be getting one soon!


Peaceful and Sixline Wrasse don't belong in the same sentence. Sixlines are one of the meanest little fish I've ever dealt with. Some people get lucky, but there's an issue with them: They will learn every nook and cranny of your rock work in 0.2 seconds, so if you do have the misfortune of getting a mean one, good luck trying to get it out without tearing apart your tank.
Some sixlines will eat bristle worms, flat worms, etc, but IMO, and depending on the size of your tank, there are other wrasses (such as a Yellow Coris Wrasse) that will also eat these things are are not nearly as aggressive.


Huh! I was surprised to read the responses, and before I did I was going to recommend the six-line! I've had one for almost seven years, and I love that little guy! It's a very beautiful fish, but maybe he's just never been in the tank with a fish he could boss around. I do know he seems to be immune to the anemone's sting, but the clownfish kicks his butt when he gets too near.
I guess you really do learn something new every day!