Six-Line Wrasse


Can I keep two six-lines in a 55g? My LFS said they would hold me two just in case. I wasn't sure how territorial they were. I just traded in all of my aggressive fish and am going to try communiry, possibly reef and was just wondering. Thanks ya'll.


Active Member
They do eat pods though but I'm not sure if they eat prepared frozen food. I'd count on your pods being eaten up quickly.


I just got one and he eats prepared frozen food. He seems to love Marine Cuisine and Brine shrimp.
A very interesting fish. Scared the heck out of me in the morning when I found him in a mucous cocoon....thought he was dying or something...only to find out it is one of their defense mechanisms


Active Member
i just got one.. never thought of a pair... so they spin cocoons? i wondered if they did this, ive yet to find where mine sleeps. i can find all my fish at anytime of night but him :notsure:


Active Member
I have a 20gal with a sixline and I can't even find his sleeping spot. Makes me think he buries himself at night or he just has a really good spot.


I'm never seen my 6line at night. He hides like no other. He loves the prepared foods but I also caught him doing something interesting the other day. He was cleaning my yellow tang. He removed all of the black ich. I was unaware that they did this.


Active Member
i thought 6 lines were aggressive toany other fish that have the samebody does a little dominance "dance" when he see his reflection.


I had no idea they spun cocoons. I'm glad I found out, I would've panicked if I woke up and found him in a giant white fuzzy ball. He probably would get flushed.