Six line wrasse


Are these fish known 2 jump??? I have a 55gal fowlr and not many
or no places for the little bugger 2 escape. But the wrasse made it out
and I'm left 2 wonder if it's h2o conditions or final destination. FYI
I had the wrasse 4 over 3months and appeared heathy. Plz ease me off
the cliff and say I was not responsaple.


lol i can try to help you figure this out cause i have one and he has not even attempted it and i have 2 other wrasse in my big tank but does it get picked on by other fish and what are the parameters.


Active Member
I have one with an open top. its never attempted to jump. most wrasse will but I think lined wrasses fall into that group.


Active Member
IMO/E all wrasses are jumpy. My sixline ended up on the floor too.
Try a sheet of eggcrate over the top.


Thank you for the responses. If you could see the hole that the fish
made it through it was a very small openning. I guess thats what amazed
me the most. Now I'm in the market for a new fish b4 my little daughter
finds out LOL.


Active Member
oh man i hate to be the guy to tell her that her fish died by jumping..good luck..are u gonna ge one exactly the same so she won;t find out..