Six Line Wrasse

salt nate

I just got a 6 line wrasse today, I think its reef safe right? recommended it, so it better be a good one!

Any comments on 6 lines? any name suggestions? I will name it my favorite name that one of you suggests. (if anyone does!)


Im not trying to be a downer but a bad move on your part........although spetacular fish they tend to get like damsels if added first........i nko i have one and now i can add ANY small fish or they will die.......hope u have better luck though


Active Member
The only aggression I've seen from sixlines is towards fish that were added after them. I had a sixline for years and never bothered a thing.


Active Member
Sixline was the last one added to our 75g reef and he is more of an underdog. The Starry Blenny and Flame Angel like to chase him every so often.

salt nate

well unfortunately, he is one of the first fish...
so if I put something else in, he will probably be mean?


Sixline is reef safe. So for I haven't ever seen an aggressive one.


Active Member
I have two sixes, in the same tank. One of them was one of the first fish added. Only aggression ever noticed was from the first one, towards the second one when he was added later. But that only lasted about a day. By far they are some of the coolest fish out there. They cruise the tank non-stop, will show off for you when you approach the glass, and each have their own personality. Good choice IMO.....

al mc

Active Member
I have two different tanks with six lines in them. They do not seem aggressive towards other fish. They are reported to eat flatworms, bristleworms, and pods.

salt nate

cool! Happy to hear that mine might be friendly!
as soon as I put him in the tank, he was checking every rock out, picking at stuff, going in every hole!
any other cool reef fish suggestions
so far ive got
2 ocellaris clowns
Lawnmower blenny
75 gal tank


Active Member
Originally Posted by salt nate
cool! Happy to hear that mine might be friendly!
as soon as I put him in the tank, he was checking every rock out, picking at stuff, going in every hole!
any other cool reef fish suggestions
so far ive got
2 ocellaris clowns
Lawnmower blenny
75 gal tank
How about a couple of Bangaii Cardinals....that would look nice with that mix.


Active Member
Originally Posted by salt nate
I do like the cardinals
I also like the pajama cardinals, but wife does not, and I was told that they might not get along with the Bangs I already have, so I have not tried them....


Active Member
I love my six line! it has the most character out of the any other fish in the tank, except maybe my watchman goby.
It is true however, mine can have an attitude to anything it decides to have one with, including me! I was looking at the six line close to the glass one day and it flashed itself and all fins erect starting shaking at me ha ha. other than that, it has picked on my smaller clown but i have an anemone for it, so its OK. my royal gramma is bigger than the 6 line, so that's OK, and my goby hides.
i think you'll love your new fish!


Active Member
i woulda done it the other way around (Goby first, then wrasse) but since the goby will most likely hide alot , given theres enough rockwork, then it should be fine