Six line wrasse


Is a six-line wrasse safe with feather dusters? anything else you can tell me would be appreciated.
looking to place one in a 55g reef tank along with a Yellow tang and Maroon clown, and numerous inverts.


Active Member
I have one and he leaves all my feather dusters alone. He does like to pick on new snails when I get them but he will usually leave them alone after a day or two.
Everything I've read about six-line wrasses says they're safe for reef tanks and require a minimum 20 gallon tank. So a 29, granted that it's not overcrowded, should be just fine. HTH :)


i picked up the six line yesterday....the yellow tang chased him around for a few hours...they are fine this morning. Havent seen him eat yet. Very skidish still.
I am upset I didnt get him earlier, beutiful fish!



Originally posted by SteelChromis
Would a six-line be good for a 29 gal?

Yes a six line would be great for that size tank. However, a yellow tang should NOT be in a tank that small (eh hem popoty).
yellow tang in a 55!!!!!!!!!!!!:eek: ,lol should be fine as long as hes small, when he gets bigger either upgrade your tank of trade him in


thats funny, but I thought I asked about a Six line wrasse? maybe i didnt phrase my question properly?:rolleyes:


Active Member
my six line doesnt b other any thing my hippo tang chases it every now and than but the six line dont take any crap, the six line is prolly my fav fish it is very cool looking and a very hardy fish



Originally posted by popoty
thats funny, but I thought I asked about a Six line wrasse? maybe i didnt phrase my question properly?:rolleyes:

I answered your question... then flamed you about the tang. :D :D
Yes, the wrasse will be good in that tank.


I have a six line wrasse in my 75, and I also have a large feather duster (4 inch crown) and a tiny tiny one growing out of some brazil LR, and he has not bothered them yet. Very neat fish, skittish at first, but wild coloring. Good luck.


Active Member
I have all kinda of little feather dusters and my sixline has never bothered any of them. I like the parallel lines on the eyes of the sixline's.


the six line is awesome. he has not bothered anything. yes he is very skittish! always on the move:D


six line wrasse is a great fish. i had mine with just a bicolor bleeny at first and would never see them because as soon as id walk into the room the bleeny would swim for cover and spook the wrasse now i have a yellow tang in there and he seems alittle braver or maybe he just got use to the tank


6lines are definitely awesome! gorgeous fish.
wondering what to add after him though. I want more smaller fish. hoping to add either a purple psuedo or a royal gramma next. 90g. (tomato clown, firefish, scooter, 6line)
what are your experiences with adding fish AFTER the 6line?