Sixline compatible with other wrasses?


New Member
I have had a sixline in my tank for about a month now and I was wondering if it would be compatible with other wrasses? It's about 1.5-2 inches long and isn't aggressive with any of the other fish in my tank (2 damsels, 2 clowns, 1 engineer goby).


Active Member
From experience, I would be very hesitant to add another wrasse to a tank with an established sixline. A larger fairy wrasse might be okay, but sixlines are notoriously territorial and will often attack and even kill other wrasses, particularly smaller flasher wrasses. Tank size can be a factor but my sixline killed a carpenter's flasher wrasse in my 120.


i agree with what has been posted..a lrage tank you mihgt be able to get away with a large fairy but i would not try it..i have seen first hand what a sixline can do and they can be down right nasty..and only get worse as they older