sixline question


Active Member
I have had a sixline for about 7 months. He has always been very docile but the last week or so I've noticed him chasing my mandarin and chromis. Do they get more aggressive as they age?


Do you have that in a reef tank? I was thinking about getting one but was not sure about them in a reef. I am eaither going to get a 6 line and a royal gramma or two bangii cardinals.


I had a sixline fore 8 months, then he turend real agressive an was chasing my clowns, even made them give up thier host and nest spot. I have moved him out so hopefully the clowns will go back to thier routine soon.


Active Member
Originally Posted by oreo12
Do you have that in a reef tank? I was thinking about getting one but was not sure about them in a reef. I am eaither going to get a 6 line and a royal gramma or two bangii cardinals.

It is in a reef tank and dosen't bother any of the corals. IDK if you can put them with royal grammas though (my gramma is in another tank).