Sixline Terror


Hi all-
55 gallon
ph: Steady 8.0
Ammonia: 0
Nitrites: 0
Nitrates: 10
SG: 1.022 (slowly raising to 1.023 or 1.024)
(2) False Percs
Midas Blenny
Valentini Puffer
Pygmy Angelfish
Sixline Wrasse
I just acquired a gorgeous Mystery Wrasse yesterday from my favorite LFS, as my final fish for this tank. Our "fish guy" told us that he should be fine with the Sixline, but we took that with a grain of salt, because I've done tons of reading on all of the fish we have, and I know that some wrasses just do not get along.
I figured we'd put the Mystery Wrasse in, and see what happens. If it came down to the Mystery vs. the Sixline, obviously the Mystery would win.
Well, I left the lights off for about five hours after putting the Mystery in the tank, and when it came time for the nightly snack and the wrasses discovered each other, it was like the Indy Dragstrip. I figured this was normal, because when I first put the Sixline
in, he and the Angelfish chased each other around the first day or two, then settled down...
I turned off the lights for the night after feeding and observing everyone, and when I turned them on again this morning, the chasing started again.
Obviously, with the price I paid for the Mystery Wrasse, I want to cut off any potential harm to him before he is harassed to death. Should I wait one more day to see if this chasing stops, or should I go ahead and "fish" the Sixline out?
I wish I could keep both, but I knew going in that I might have to get rid of a fish.
Any other suggestions? Or if none, any tips for catching the Sixline?
Thanks in advance!


Active Member
I too had an evil sixline that killed a royal gramma and a beautiful flasher wrass that I put in the tank. Never could catch him until I took all the live rock out of the tank to switch into a new 190. Lesley


Yeah, I did a lot of reading today on WWM and see that Sixline's can be pretty aggressive, so I guess when I get home today, my mission will be to get the little bugger out.
I wish I had another tank for him to go in, but at least I can get credit for him at our LFS.
I am really excited about the Mystery Wrasse, though

I'll have to post pics within the next day or so, once the Sixline is gone.

florida joe

Well-Known Member
You will need a good plan if you want to remove him they are very smart and if you don’t get him on the first few tries you may have to clear one side of your tank out chase him over to it close it off and get him out



So, after an hour of chasing the Sixline around the tank, hoping to wear him out, and blocking off all major exits and entrances of the LR, we decided to take out a couple of pieces of LR... then a couple more... then a couple more... then, finally, every thing.
We managed to net the Sixline and free the Mystery, who was hiding underneath a big piece of LR, and I rushed the Sixline over to our LFS.
When I walked in the door, I practically threw the bag at the guy

"Take him!"
I did say my good-byes and I hope that someone gets him and loves him, cause he was a great fish... just not great enough to hope he'd leave my $170 fish alone!
When I returned home, we were left with the task of re-aquascaping the tank and hoping that no major disasters happened.
Thankfully we had a quarantine-type tank set up, and the fish went in there (along with some LR) and seemed to be pretty relaxed and active. Diddy was even spitting water at me, which was really funny.
Five and a half hours later, the LR was in, the pumps and other machinery were up and running, and we transferred the fish back into the tank.
Everyone swam around, each exploring, trying to figure out where their new homes would be, so we turned the light off for the night (this was around 12:30 am) and immediately went to bed.
This morning, everyone came out to eat... except for the Mystery Wrasse!

I'm not too worried yet, as I've read numerous accounts of new fish just needing to get used to their surroundings, and then coming out after a day or two. Plus, I've read and heard that Mystery Wrasses (and Wrasses in general) are very hardy, so...
The only thing that stinks is, I think we lost my Boxing Crab
I guess I'll use my credit at the LFS for a new one in a few weeks...
Just keep your fingers (and fins!) crossed for me, that all is well in our fish-household