Sixline Wrasse in a 10gal nano


I have had a sixline wrasse in my 10gal Nano for about 8/9 months now, he haw been great, got along well with my percs, they even slept together....but in the last few weeks he has become more and more agressive....Should I trade him in asapor hope the fish can deal with him for a few months untill i get a 12-16 gal tank, in hopes that the wrasse will chill out with more space? I really like the little guy, but my clowns are my babies and I'll get rid of hte wrasse if i have to


I am doing so this afternoon....As usual the LFS people misinformed me...What might be a nice replacement for him? I could use some ideas. :happyfish


thanks for the input....I just brought him in
He was an awsome little fish, I would definatly get one if i ever get a bigger tank.
I like clown gobies but i have heard they are a little sensative. I move my tank four times a year, to and from college so all my corals and fish have ot be really hardy
I have never looked into cardnail fish before, I'll have to check them out. :happyfish


Blue or Yellow Neon Gobies,Catalina Gobies(Pretty!),Griessingei Goby,and the Court Jester Goby,Which looks similar to a 6 line wrasse. All are attractive fish and well tempered. The Blue Neon Gobies are supposidly cleaner fish,Never kept one :notsure:


Thanks for all the ideas!!
I like the court jester, the catelina gobies are beutiful, but i read they where cool water fish. never seen a Griessingei goby, I'll have to look it up. seems like basically any goby would be good.
I do like watchmen but i have a bicolor blennie, wouldn't they fight? I was thinking of trading hte blennie for a jawfish, but im not sure i have a deep enough sand bed.
I have to move the tank in two weeks, so no new commers for at least four...I'll let you all know what i end up with! :happyfish