size opinions please

I am going to install a large aquarium in my home and would like to get everyones opinion on the tank size. Would a 10'x3'x6' be wide enough for a shark (leopard)? I may even go with a 12' long. I am also thinking about using a pvc frame to support the LR so I can acieve the hiegh I am wanting and then using the space behind the rock to plumb return lines which will push water back up through the rock. Also on a tank this size what are everyones thoughts on not using any substrate just LR covering the bottom of the tank so I can keep dietrius from accumulating. Thanks for everyones input. I just want to get things setup correctly from the start since it will be such a large tank.
Has anyone had any experience with the eco-wheel system (good or bad)? I will be transfering my mangroves and refugiums for filtration and possibly a skimmer and fluidized bed.Fish room 1 page updated weekly


i think your best bet would b to talk to novice150 he built a 1700gal tank in his for keeping a lepord you could keep one in there but not for life but like i said post a message for novice his tank is dedicted to sharks


Active Member
wow dude why dont u just open ur own pet shop!!!:D
How do the mangroves help filteration? Should i add some to my fuge?
Their roots draw phosphates and nitrates out of the water. People that I have talked to and have tested it say that they can eventually run without a skimmer but I have yet to test or trust that and I still use a skimmer. Although I have noticed that it does work a lot less. I like to use the natural approach as much as possible. The 135 aggressive tank in the pictures only uses 2 refugiums and mangroves along with one skimmer and I do a 10% water change every other week. It has been running like this for over two years now without any problems. I don't even use ro/di water on it. I will test my Ph, amonia, nitrites, nitrates once a month and it has always been 8.3, 0, 0, 0-20 nitrates. I have yet to see the full effects of the mangroves but when I do I am going to start documenting it a lot closer.
I am really just worried that a 30 or 36 inch tank will be to narrow but it will be much harder to get anything wider into my house unless it is built here.
Thnaks for the input.
Novice 150 if you could give me your input on the matter and what you think about a shark in this type of setup I would really apprieciate it. (Possible types of sharks that may work other than coral banded and cat). Thanks so much.


Active Member
All I recommend... Build a tank as big as you have room and money for. You will regret it later if you don't. I have helped setup a 10,000 gallon tank and a 2,200 gallon tank as well.