Sizes of Frags


My tank is finally at a place where I can start fragging some of the things I have and I was wondering what is a decent frag size to trade?
I have Zoo's that have gone wild and wanted to frag to trade but I'm unsure of what would be a decent polyp count for a normal frag? 4-5 polyps? what?
I also have green star polyps that I'd like to frag off as well but again unsure of a decent size to nip off before I put them up for trade.
Anyone of you more experienced fraggers have any ideas?


A good size frag for Zoa's is 10 -12 polyp
geen star- 1-2in in length 1in wide.
If you can put up some pics of your zoa's I might be interested in trading some frags. I have several colors ready to frag myself, Including this pink one.


Stachy, I'll definetly take 1. I know other reefer's would want some. If this is cool, I'll give you my email address. Thanx! :jumping:


I would rather tade than sell. If your interested either e-mail me - or post in this thread. I would like to see some pics of your potential trades.
( things I dont need: Zenia, Frog spawn, colt leather, or green star polyp. )
Anything else would be a good possible trade.
Look forward to hearing from you all.