Sizing of fish....


Hey everyone. I just had a question regarding the sizes that fish get. My tank has been fully cured for about 4 weeks now, I recently bought to Percula clownfish, coolest little things ever. I know they each will be about 2 in. long. Now the fish on this website to buy where it says sizes, is that how big the fish will be and stay? Or, is that just how big they come shipped? I was looking at the Blue Hippo Tang, small which is only 1 in, but would he stay that small like the sizing says or does he get bigger? Any help would be great, thanks guys.


Active Member
Sorry, no does not stay that small....gets ALOT bigger i think they are 8+ inches. Needs lots of swimming room.

nm reef

Active Member
Very good that you are asking first...sadly it doesn't always happen that way. The size mentioned on this site are the approroximate sizr when shipped. I'd suggest a research on-line or simply ask here for information on full grown size of any species you consider. Its often suggested that a hippo be kept in at least a 75 gal system and normal adult size can exceed 8"...

I have a hippo that started as a 3" baby in my old 55 gal reef...he now has been with me for around 2 5"-6" and lives in a 100 gal reef.Great fish...but care does need to be taken to insure appropiate living conditions.I think lots of hobbyists may consider my system too small.


Wow, thanks a bunch. I didn't think the sizing of that fish was that little, would be nice though. Thanks everyone.


I've got one more question, where can I find a chart with the sizes of saltwater fish? Such as how big they can get in captivity and all? Thanks.

nm reef

Active Member
A on-line search for a particular species is a good place to start...but I don't think I've ever really seen a "chart" with numerous species listed.


Active Member

Originally posted by thamobster
I've got one more question, where can I find a chart with the sizes of saltwater fish? Such as how big they can get in captivity and all? Thanks.

there is a resource book called "Marine Fishes" by Scott Michael. it is excellent. it profiles over 500 saltwater fish, shows their adult size, what size aquarium needed, what kind of foods, what kinds of personality, and how healthy they generally are. it's a really good book.

nm reef

Active Member
Good answer Pontius....Thats a book I'd like to add to my personal where the heck did my gift list go??????Gotta remember to add "Marine Fishes" by Scott Michael


im adopting a comes as a newborn baby, an adolescent, or a teenager...i was wondering if they will stay this size or if they will grow? Lol, sorry...i couldnt resist


yeah so thats the same for wise asses too right..their born wise asses and grow up to be bigger wise asses right..obviously they get bigger, but when they are small, medium, or large i didn't know if they all grew to be the same size or were a little different


yeah i just poking back..dont worry i dont mean any offense either
..ur right no such thing as a dumb question but i could see how u might think that is..i was just curious if they were bred differently and maybe stayed smaller as if it were like a smaller dog would be a mut..thanks