Skillet Fish

shadow puppet

New Member
Today I saw a fish at the LFS that they told me was a skillet fish, and that it would eat algae.
I'd like to know if anyone can give me anymore information on it.. How big it gets, what it really eats, etc, before I consider purchasing it. Since I have never seen one before, nor have I ever heard of one.

shadow puppet

New Member
LOL.. Well it looks like a freshwater Pleco.. I found the name of it on another site
the scientific name is Gobiesox strumosus
Anyone know anything about them?

shadow puppet

New Member
LOL.. Well it looks like a freshwater Pleco.. I found the name of it on another site
the scientific name is Gobiesox strumosus
Anyone know anything about them?
According to Dr Burgess' Mini-Atlas of Marine Aquarium Fishes Mini-edition, the family of this fish is "Gobiesocidae". Info for this family is as follows: "Clingfishes. Benthic. Very hardy. Very tolerant of water quuality changes; very resistant to disease. Generally peaceful, but very small fishes may be eaten. Often become tame. Foods: prawn, brine shrimp, bloodworms, chopped clam, chopped squid." Your specific fish was not listed so take info as it is........

shadow puppet

New Member
Sounds like it might be a good addition to my tank.. I don't have anything small enough that it might go after, so I guess I'll see how it does. From the article it seems to be a fairly hardy little fish..

shadow puppet

New Member
I got the skillet fish over at Fish Ranch, over on Larkwood, between bellaire and hillcroft.. I don't think it was that bad of a price, but I got it for $16. It is a VERY intresting looking fish, that's one of the things that drew it to me.. The guy that I asked about it said that they get them in with some frequency..