Skimate smells like mold?


Active Member
It's basically raw sewage. It will smell really bad. The worse it smells the better your skimmer is working because it smells worse when it's more concentrated.
mine smells pretty bad as well....i kept blaming the dog
...someone told me to add some kalkawasser to kill the works great!


Active Member
Originally Posted by halcyon_diver
mine smells pretty bad as well....i kept blaming the dog
...someone told me to add some kalkawasser to kill the works great!
Like just throw a bit of kalk powder in?


Active Member
Ok, so what's wrong with mine, cause it smells peppery to me?
Makes my eyes water and I sneeze sometime while cleaning it.
Does that mean My tank is extrs spicy?


Active Member
Where do you get rid of that stuff? Down the drain? Garbage? Would it stink up your house if you dispose of it the wrong way?


Active Member
I see it stinks so good to you but other people probably dont think so. when I smell mine it brings me back to when I was a child and use to collect wild newts and salamanders from the woods and keep them in a tank of natural mud plains and dirty water pools. after several weeks of amphibian poop and no maintenence the smell is irrily simular to my skimate. last week we were going to have company 4hrs later. my wife saw me in the kitchen about to clean the collection cup and said " you arent going to do that now" and I said "no I just like to hold dirty collection cups over the sink in the kitchen" but it came out of my mouth as "yes, I'll light a candle". anyway she took the cup and dumped it out in the backyard. the smell lingers.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Kevin34
Where do you get rid of that stuff? Down the drain? Garbage? Would it stink up your house if you dispose of it the wrong way?
Dump it down the drain but run the water for a bit to make sure the skimmate is cleared out of the P-trap under the sink or it will smell worse after sitting there a while......


Originally Posted by SCSInet
It's basically raw sewage. It will smell really bad. The worse it smells the better your skimmer is working because it smells worse when it's more concentrated.
this smells better than raw sewage.. done some work around man holes, and damm this smells 95% better at times...
i dont 'miss that job my worst was had to survey a COMPOST PLANT. where all your food goes to get recycled.. now that was pucked.. was in my hair clothes and antying you had on.. including you watch (plastic) its was nasty.. and i was only in there for 1 day...


Active Member
Mine doesn't smell like I thought. It doesn't gross me out at all. I even use my finger to clean it out at times. Your's either sounds worse than mine or I'm not as bothered by the smell. Maybe it's because I wet skim? i dunno


Do you think it would work as fertilizer? Or will my tomatoes taste like fish poop? Stanalee - is the grass growing or dying where she dumped the cup?


Active Member
Skimmate has considerable salt content. I'd worry about the salt killing the plants you are trying to fertilize.
I dump waste seawater into a spot near my deck. The spot stays dead because of it.
Originally Posted by TurningTim
Like just throw a bit of kalk powder in?
yeah...i put a tablespoon in a gallon jug and it does help.


Originally Posted by jennythebugg
snaredrum your avatar is beautiful....very UNlike the odors in the collection cup
Thank You. Now if I can find out what that zoo is called, I might be able to find one.