Skimmer adjustment ????

big slick

I just bought my first protein skimmer today and am going crazy trying adjust the bubbles just right. Every time I think I have it right, I come back in as early as five minutes from when I set it, and it is bubbling over into the collection cup. Will the flow ever get easier, or is it ok to have the bubbles popping at a 1/4 inch from the top? is that doing any good at all. My skimmer is a "weipro SA-2013" It serves up to 125 gallans, and that is what I have tank wise. I am running it with an "A.D.P. submerge pump that puts out up to 790 gph, but I don't understand what it means by "flow height?" I am afraid to go to bed with it on at any decent level in case I find my tank water on my living room floor tomorrow morning.


I'm not familiar with your skimmer but most skimmers take a little breaking in. In the meantime don't run it at night. Normally running a skimmer 24/7 is not necessary. Some skimmer manufacturers have troubleshooting info on their websites, this might be worth checking out.

big slick

Thank you. I will go check out to see if they have a web site. In the meantime, how many hours a day should I be running it? It is a "Venturi Driven" skimmer. (if that is any help at all)


I run mine 24/7. It's just until the bugs get worked out, you might not want to run your new skimmer all of the time. Some people do use timers, most turn them off when feeding phyto etc. I think the majority of people run them all the time.

big slick

I went to the site, and got linker to a japan web site for aquatics was thier site, but no mention of the skimmer, plenty of other products though.....


well most skimmer do take about a doy to break in and get running correctly. also everytime you do any kind of water change it will also mess with the skimmer settings. i always do my water changes in the morning and check the skimmer all day so it doesnt overflow into my livingroom. lol. so dont fret. we all went through it