skimmer and filter size?


A little confusion about the size of skimmer and filter I would need. Say I were to have 200 gal. tank, would I need a skimmer rated for the 200 or for the sump that it would be in. Because technically the skimmer and filter only see the amount of water that the pump delivers to it. So really, if you had a 90 gal with the same pump that was on the 200, they would see the same amount of water. Can anyone help clearify this for me? thanks

al mc

Active Member
While I am not an engineer, my understanding is that the skimmer and the pump that it comes with are sized to give you the correct amount of water flow and skim production based on the skimmer height and diameter. Larger skimmer, larger pump, more 'bubbles', more skimming. I have followed the rule that you always use a skimmer that is rated for about 50% more than your overall water volume. Example.....If you have 200 gallons of water go with a skimmer rated for at least 300 gallons.