skimmer choices

with the lr i am puttingin i knwo that i wll need a skimmer before i put it in. what skimmer do you recommend that are not extremely expensive but will do the job for a 100 gal tank with about 50 lbs of lr by the time i am done. or do i need more live roock then that inmy tank and if so how much.


i have an coral seas skimmer fairly cheap and it has been effective for me. You have to see the amount of gunk it pulls out of my tank.
oh boy!!! you still need atleast another 50lbs of rock
That is if you want to build a nice reef. No worry patience is a virtue and you don't have to get it all at once but in order to have a reaf in that size tank you will probably need more rock
i did not want a "reef" tank, i only want the live rock for my fish, i do not want any of the inverabrates, or anemomes in my tank, so i guess it will just be a LRWFO TANK. thanks for the infor on the skimmer, do you know of any others that are out here that are good and or how much your cost you.


Active Member
I would still recommend at least another 50lbs of LR, it will help with the biological filtration of your tank. If you have a wet/dry then you would probably be okay with only 50lbs of LR but I like the look of more LR, I wouldn't think 50lbs is much in a 100gal at all. As far as skimmers go, if you have a sump (with a 100 gal I would if I were you) you may want to look at the euroreefs or I have heard good things about the Kent Natilus (a little bit cheaper).
ok well i guess i just do not have the right prospective on how much 50lbs really was i thought it was quite a bit but i guess not. as for the wet-dry i have had many people tell me not to use one, and not to put an UGF in there also but i did that any bc they never hurt to have, i just can't bump it... lol i am using a fuval 404 and 2 802 powerheads. so a lot of people told me that it woudl be enough. and now that i think about it, i am not sure i did the measurments right to figure the tank size. what is it again, bc i was told that it was 100 gallons, but it coudl be about 80 really.


Active Member
I have about 90lbs of LR in my 46gal :D , if you are not using a wet/dry you need at least 1-1.5 lbs of LR per gallon. because I don't think a cannister will give you enough biological filtration. There is nothing wrong with a wet/dry especially if you just want a FOWLR, and no corals. I am not sure why you put an UG filter in, are you using CC? I am afraid you are going to have high nitrates with your current set up.
thanks for the info. i just tested my water and everything is going down from the cycle and becoming normal. i also was wondering if any one knew anything about the SEA CLONE 100 skimmer. it is a new one i knwo and i can get it for about 70 bucks.
thanks for the info