skimmer death

blenny boy

New Member
last week I added a sump to my system (and in doing so added a significant amount of new water to the system, all RO)... since I did the change my skimmer has stopped producing foam. I put on a new skimmer and it too makes no foam.
Any suggestions?
How long until my system simply crashes?


I agree with Xenia. When you added to the total volume of your system you changed the amount of water the gunk is suspended in. When there is more gunk built up, the skimmer will begin to pull it out. Mine doesn't pull anything out for a few days after a good water change. It just foams clear water.

blenny boy

New Member
I am still concerned because it has been well over a week since my skimmer did anything but spit bubbles, no foam - clear or gunked
-have you had this happen?
-how long can my tank survive w/o the skimmer?


Active Member
you say you added all RO ?
I'm sure you meant to type that you added a significant amount of new freshly mixed saltwater using RO ?
right ?
what is your salinity ?
I agree with everything the others posted above.
Broomer ;)