Skimmer for 120g under $300


I'm looking for brand and model appropriate for a 120g tank. Prefer it to be under $300 new, and something that YOU would use! Prefer easy for a newb to figure out, yet something I won't feel the need to upgrade as I learn more and get more involved in the hobby. I'm wanting to do a reef setup with fish.
I've heard good things about ASM, so I was looking at the G-3 model.
And that brings up another question. I read to pick a model rated 2x my actual total gallons. But then I thought I read somewhere that it depended on the brand, that some were good for the actual rating??


Active Member
I'm a firm believer in Euro Reef and just picked up a RS135 for my 120 at a LFS for $305. There was a slight problem with the impeller at first, but all is resolved.


Active Member
Originally Posted by forddna
Where do you shop? I usually go to Marine Warehouse.
Go a little further to Fish and Other Ichthy Suff, across from Oldsmar Flea Market.

devil dog

Active Member
Originally Posted by forddna
I'm looking for brand and model appropriate for a 120g tank. Prefer it to be under $300 new, and something that YOU would use! Prefer easy for a newb to figure out, yet something I won't feel the need to upgrade as I learn more and get more involved in the hobby. I'm wanting to do a reef setup with fish.
I've heard good things about ASM, so I was looking at the G-3 model.
And that brings up another question. I read to pick a model rated 2x my actual total gallons. But then I thought I read somewhere that it depended on the brand, that some were good for the actual rating??
I have a Red Sea Skimmer For Sale brand new in the box it is good for a up to 250g tank i have it as a backup but i have no need for it... I would sell it for $165.00 plus shipping...


Originally Posted by GrouperGenius
Go a little further to Fish and Other Ichthy Suff, across from Oldsmar Flea Market.
I've heard good things about them before. I will have to check them out. I've been going to MW for my planted tank stuff.


Active Member
have never used a red sea...octo's are the best skimmers, build wise for the money available IMO.
Obviously there are better skimmers out there(deltec, bubbleking,and so on) But for under $300, if it were me, there is no debate on the best. They are constructed better than any other skimmer in that price range without a doubt.


Active Member
Originally Posted by forddna
I've heard good things about them before. I will have to check them out. I've been going to MW for my planted tank stuff.
MW is pretty good. I have dealt with Mark since 1979. I haven't seen him around for a long time though. I'm not sure who owns it now.
Fish and OIS is strictly saltwater.


Thanks. I heard they are cheaper than MW. Is that true? I don't mind a couple dollars here and there, but I'm looking about buying a couple hundred pounds of live rock, and that kind of stuff adds up!!


thank you, all. I've narrowed it down to the ASM G-3 and the Octopus 200. I'll probably go with the ASM since it's a good price and everyone seems to like them.


Active Member
nw-200 over the g3 anyday...
copied from a site
ASM G 3 Protein Skimmer Specifications:
- Gallon Rating: up to 250 gal.
- Pump: 1 x Sedra 5000
- Reaction Chamber Diameter: 6.5"
- Footpring: 11" x 12"
- Height: 25"
(Savings: $29.00)
- Overall Height: 24"
- Cup Removal Clearance: 0.75"
- Reactor Diameter: 8"
- Footprint: 13.25" x 11.5"
- Needle Wheel Pump included (approx. 790 gph)
should there even be a comparison?? octo is cheaper and bigger..
the octo rocks.. i have the -- ( re-circulation) vershion od the nw-200 ( which is the rps-3000) and let me tell you.. the thing rocks out of the box!! i moded it with some pf4, bored out the fitting and volute and it's 2x the monster now.. my foam lvl starts at 1/4'' under that taper from the body...


Active Member
Originally Posted by ThaNgBom
nw-200 over the g3 anyday...
copied from a site
ASM G 3 Protein Skimmer Specifications:
- Gallon Rating: up to 250 gal.
- Pump: 1 x Sedra 5000
- Reaction Chamber Diameter: 6.5"
- Footpring: 11" x 12"
- Height: 25"
(Savings: $29.00)
- Overall Height: 24"
- Cup Removal Clearance: 0.75"
- Reactor Diameter: 8"
- Footprint: 13.25" x 11.5"
- Needle Wheel Pump included (approx. 790 gph)
should there even be a comparison?? octo is cheaper and bigger..
the octo rocks.. i have the -- ( re-circulation) vershion od the nw-200 ( which is the rps-3000) and let me tell you.. the thing rocks out of the box!! i moded it with some pf4, bored out the fitting and volute and it's 2x the monster now.. my foam lvl starts at 1/4'' under that taper from the body...
what he said


Wow..thanks. For some reason, I was thinking the nw200 was around $300. I just found it online for $179.99!