skimmer for fish or wet dry or both


I mostly want fish , clowns but I want to put some crabs shrimp and clams basic corals. so what would be the best result.
If I was only going for fish is a wet dry good enough.
I do have 80 lbs of sand and 75lbs of lr. want room for the fish so in a 90 it seems crowded.
whats going to keep the tank clean besides the prefilter, I KNOW IN FRESH WATER I use a canister and it is very clean.
need some help

vlamingi fan

New Member
If you have LR, LS, and a skimmer(hang on or in sump) that is all the filtration you need and it will keep it very clean. You can keep anything provided you have enough light. My tank is a 75G reef tank with 70lbs LR, 80 lbs LS, and I have a needlewheel Euro-Reef style skimmer in the sump. It's been running with no problems for a little over a year.:)