skimmer "funk"

When the brown foam comes into the collection cup do anybody get a funky oder? My skimmer just started getting brown foam to come out and it's putting off this bad smell. Is this normal?

mr . salty

Active Member
OH TES,You small the FUNK that eminates from my monster,three foot high skimmer...It's really discusting...Good thing I only run it a couple days a month....But I am wondering if you should be running it at all.After reading your other post,your tank seems to still be in the cycle...Running a skimmer during the cycle can/will prolong this cycle...
My tanks been running since March. Can it still be cycling? It's true I've never had perfect water perameters. I've had either high nitrite to high nitrates, which I'm dealing with now.

mr . salty

Active Member
If you have any ammo or nitrite at all,then your tank is not done cycling.It seems that you have one of those troublesome tanks that take quite awhile to cycle...I would turn it off till these readings are at ZERO...
Ok, it's turned off. I was going to add some turbo 900 to correct this problem. Is this a good idea? And if not what should be my next step besides adding more l/r?

mr . salty

Active Member
Adding more live rock will certainly help stabalise the tank,but other than that you will have to wait it out...I would hold off on adding anything else to this tank to try to speed up this cycle.It seems like the more you mess with a cycling tank,,,the longer it takes to finish...Some things are better left alone...


Active Member
You need to add more live rock or decrease your bioload. Since march is way too long to cycle a tank. DO NOT turn off your skimmer at this piont it is only helping. If you are still getting nitrate at this piont your bioload is too high for your tank. What is the complete breakdown of your system.
I have a 125gal tank with about 3inches of sand which has 20lbs of l/s in it, 20lbs of l/r, wet/dry filter with a rio 3100 return, and the Berlin Turbo Classic skimmer. In the tank is a 7inch Mappa Puffer by himself. He's been in there since June. I'm also using carbon if that helps any maybe I should stop using it? So let me know if I should cut the skimmer back on. Thanks!
I forgot to mention that the Amiricle wet/dry I think is rated for 90 to 100gals. I got it from a friend and didn't know the rating, but no more than 100.