Skimmer in sump or H.O.B??


I'm trying to decide on a protein skimmer right now and am not sure which style to get. I have a 30 gal sump with alot of room but would a H.O.B. skimmer be more efficient since I have read that alot of the junk is at the top of the water? Any help would be appreciated.


Active Member
How are you getting water from your display to your sump? My overflow has proven more than enough to keep water moving at the top of the display tank.


Yeah, my overflow keeps the water moving as well and there is never a film at the top, I was just wondering if a h.o.b. skimmer would remove more of the junk before it made it to te sump and through the biological filtration? I am just confused right now because with an expensive purchase like this I want to make sure I do it right.


Active Member
If you have a sump, just install a skimmer there. The HOB skimmers that I'm familiar with all use pumps that hang in the tank a few inches below the surface. So unless you spend another $20-$30 on their pre-skimmer boxes, the surface junk is better collected through the overflow leading to your sump.
Plus, in-sump skimmers are stronger and more efficient in my opinion. Especially the Euro Reef skimmers (wink, wink).


Active Member
I would go with the skimmer in the sump.
Your display tank's overflow will be drawing water down to the sump.
As long as you have good display tank water circulation - I don't think there is even a concern or desire to go with the HOB skimmer.
Skimmer in sump - better units are available, and much nicer installation IMO.


Thanks for all the help, I'm trying to decide whether or not to get the Aqua-C Urchin or just go for it and get the Euro-Reef...


AquaC skimmers are good, I even own one. The Euroreef would way outperform it along with alot of other sump dedicated models. If the cost is not an issue or you can wait get Get the Euroreef or one of the AquaC EV skimmers.


i have a aqua c remora Hang on skimmer--- im going from my can filter to sump setup. i really wanna avoid buying a new skimmer so can i use my hang on type aqua c remora in my sump?


Yes you can and that is how I use mine. If you talk with the guys at AquaC they will even tell you the Remora and Urchin lines don't compare to a good sump skimmer. AquaC's EV-120 will out work both of the forementioned skimmers and so would a Euro-Reef. Here is a pic of how mine is installed. I picked this thing up with the skimmer box and new Mag3 pump for $20. It was such a good deal I had to figure a way to use it.
Edit. The Urchin and Remora are the same skimmer and you will get the same performance out of both. The Urchin does not work any better just because it is in the sump and not on the tank.


when you say skimmer box you mean the prefilter box that is used with the remora skimmer and your saying its in your sump attached to your skimmer?


The tank is a 35g flat back hex. I have the back drilled with a 1" inch bulkhead for overflow. As far as the prefilter I don't use it in the sump. I just took a longer piece of 3/4" ID tubing and extended the pump into the ssump. It hangs on the sump just like it hangs on your tank. I have since moved the skimmer to the end of the sump to give me room to access the sump. No new picks though. Here is a pic of the tank.