Skimmer in sump question


If I am going to put my skimmer inside my sump, how much of the skimmer has to be "submerged"? I ask because I would like to use a 20-gal long as a sump for a 75g tank (long versus tall for more surface area for possible fuge). Also, would this be too small of a sump to accomodate a skimmer and fuge? Thanks!!!


Active Member
it all depends on the size skimmer you get. you will be able to fit both, jsut the refugium wont be huge.
same thing as far as how deep it needs to be. it depends how big the skimmer how, how big the pump is, ect. Also, make sure it is one that can be used as an in sump skimmer


Guess I forgot to mention that the reason I wonder how much of the skimmer needs to be submerged is because the 20gal long is not very tall...and from what I have seen in stores and online, skimmers are pretty I pretty much just want to know if the skimmer can be taller than the tank and just come out the top, with only the portion that needs to be submerged, submerged...does that make sense? Thanks!!


Active Member
i got a 20 gallon long for my sump as well, i have my heater, my skimmer, and an overflow tube that goes to a separate 15 gallon fuge that has blacked out glass (used metallic paint to help reflect light) so that I can have the lights on during the night! More oxygen production! then the return pump is in the other side of the fuge separated by plastic plates so that the debris cannot get to it. there is not enought room in my sump for any kind of decent sized fuge, so that is the reason i got the 15 gallon tank as well.. u might want to go with a 25 or higher capacity tank for the fuge/sump.. nice thing about the separation of sump and fuge is the lights wont create tons of algae in the sump part..
i have about 2/3 of the sump full, if that tells ya how deeep the skimmer is.. i have a seaclone 100, and its finally working...somewhat..