skimmer is killing my tank


I am having a serious problem. My skimmer is putting millions of tiny tiny bubbles into my tank and killing my little friends. Last night I was looking at my cleaner shrimp and I noticed that he had some bubbles inside his body. Well he went into convulsions, threw up and died. The skimmer is a precision marine Bullet 1 and it is connected to my sump. I have part of a pre filter sponge and filter floss surrounding the inlet to the pump to stop the bubbles. This helps but I need a solution desperately, Please give me any suggestions.


how long have you had it running ? when i first set up mine it had a break in peroid of around 3 days till i saw the bubbles subside.


it has been running for about two weeks now. i have done everything i can to eliminate these bubbles. I have the skimmer return an the very top of the water line in the sump and the return line to the tank at the bottom of the sump and still the bubbles get into the tank. is it to much to want clear water?


New Member
I have had a similar problem with new skimmers. It should go away with break in. My lfs provided me with a sponge that looks some what like the type you would use to seal a window A/C. It is about 2" X 2", cut a slit in one side and slide it over the skimmer out-flow. This will catch the bubbles from going in your tank until the break in period is over. Good luck :rolleyes:


I had the same problem with my skimmer, I got a plastic cup drilled a bunch of hole in it about half the way up from the bottom filled it about half way with a sponge and this has stoped the problem. the sponge catches the bupples, hope this helps. Good Luck


What kinda sump? Good sumps will have a baffle to help eliminate bubbles. You can make or use a container have the skimmer output go into there. Maybe hit a piece of LR but when it fills the container it will overflow and should rid bubbles.Or if your just using a tank glue an acylic plate in the middle @ 3" from the bottom. The bubbles will stay on top but water will flow from underneath