skimmer, light ... mistake


Active Member
ok well i have a 30 gall tank i went to lfs today gave them the bad news about my sick fish and he tol dme i needed a skimmer .. about 200 dollars. i wil be buying it on tuesday.. is it worth it?
also there is nother suggestion that he made would be to use a better lite.. i know this but, 200 dollares for this as well.??
i first off am buying a skimmer but is it worth the 200 cus i dont wanna order offline. its got a pump with it as well.
the skimmer would help my infected fishes eye? he made me put in 10 more lbs of ls since its a 30 gall and i have 20 lbs so no there is 28 lbs and there is 3 more lbs to go in tomorrow.(due to ammonia and stressing the fish that has a infected eye)
can someone tell me there experiences about a skimmer and if theres has imprved their quality of water and fish life?
any advice would be great


Active Member
well adding the liverock, so long as it was cured, is a good idea. you should have minimum 1lb per gallon. Now as for wether the protein skimmer is worth it :thinking: Yes A protein skimmer is worth it but does a 30 gallon merrit a $200 skimmer
1rst you are paying local store prices so a $200 skimmer is probably a $120 skimmer. What brand skimmer and model if you know? The only hang on back skimmer I can think of that even approaches anywhere near $200 that is appropriately sized for a 30g is the AquaC remora. the others I can think of are designed for bigger tanks or to hang on sump and might look hideous on a 30 gallon. If its not the AquaC remora you may want find out what brand and model it is and search it online. If you have a sump there are several choices at $100 or so that will be more than enough.
More importantly a skimmer isn't a solution for an ammonia problem. The route of your problem is likely a) tank hasn't matured enough to sustain the amount of livestock you have b) too much livestock for your system.
what kind of filtration do you have in place now? what livestock do you have? how long has the tank been up and running?
there's no question a skimmer improves water quality. All you have to do is look at one in action and see all the gunk that would still be in your tank water if you didn't have one.


Skimmer is well worth it. I dont know why he would recommend a light for your fishes eye, that makes no sense. The skimmer will help cut down on the ammount of waste your tank produces, and yes, youll be glad you got it after you throw out the first load of gunk it pulled out. 200 does seem steep for it however.


If I were you, I would deffinitely get the skimmer on line. USUALLY even with the shipping it is still cheaper than you could get one @ a LFS. Aqua C makes WONDERFUL HOB skimmers(IMO). I had an Aqua C remora that I had to empty usually daily. When i upgraded to my 120 I went with the Aqua C EV120 so far very happy with that one as well.


The skimmer itself is not a cure for the fishes eye...just an overall good piece of equipment to use. Just research the make and model he's trying to sell you first. As a matter of fact, it'd be best to first research ANYTHING most LFS try to sell you, before you buy it, especially livestock imo.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Matt819
The skimmer itself is not a cure for the fishes eye...just an overall good piece of equipment to use. Just research the make and model he's trying to sell you first. As a matter of fact, it'd be best to first research ANYTHING most LFS try to sell you, before you buy it, especially livestock imo.
yep he said that he had an infection from being stressed then the bacteria attacked it making the eye cloudy. the skimmer would get rid of the bacteria in the water like the chemicals and gunk... well so he says.
its a hang on sea urchin for a 30 gallon tank. it has a pump with it as well
the light was just for a reef tank .. looking toward in the future.
can someone send me a link if they have time to look for that one or even a better one ill post my email if you want.. btw does this site sell them?


Active Member
Originally Posted by xDave
If your tank is a standard glass 30g, 36 1/4 x 12 5/8 x 16 3/4,
Look at these, 2 of theses would be great 36" HO T5 Or this one 192w PC +moonlights
Both of those are less than $100
thanx but i need the skimmer first it isnt a reef but i was wanting to look that way soon


Active Member
Definitely look into the remora skimmer. I have one on my 20 and before that I used it on my 46 and it works really well. Plus it looks better on a smaller tank than a coralife or other skimmers in the same price category would.


Active Member
Originally Posted by xDave
I didn't post a skimmer link because they sell them here.
o man i wish i knew that i will be sure to take a look sorry mods.. now know that i cant do that i wasnt su
re where to look

can someone post a link to them on this site. and take a look at the one i posted cus im goin to the lfs to check that one out as well as the ones here


Active Member
how does this one work does it come with eveything you need o use it as sson as it arrives in the box cus i was lookin in my tank and realized that there is no room to hang another thing on there so you put the submersiiable part in ... that i know and dosent take up much rrooom
can someone post a diagram of how it works.. i assume it stays on the ground? i havent looked at any that dont hang on.


I can email you with a suggestion because I can't post it here. You have to let us know your email address though. I can't personal mail you through the site. I have the Aqua C remora on a 30g and think I got a good deal. Less than $165 including shipping.


Active Member
Originally Posted by bill109
how does this one work does it come with eveything you need o use it as sson as it arrives in the box cus i was lookin in my tank and realized that there is no room to hang another thing on there so you put the submersiiable part in ... that i know and dosent take up much rrooom
can someone post a diagram of how it works.. i assume it stays on the ground? i havent looked at any that dont hang on.
You need a sump for that skimmer.


Active Member
both of those require a sump to use like so

the only hang on back sold here is the prizm deluxe which would be adequate for a 30 gallon although it gets mixed reviews.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Stanlalee
both of those require a sump to use like so

the only hang on back sold here is the prizm deluxe which would be adequate for a 30 gallon although it gets mixed reviews.
looks way to confusing for me


Active Member
Do a search for "AquaC remora" or even go to proteinskimmer dot com. thats about as simple and unintrusive as it gets in regards to skimmers and you should be able to get it for well under the $200 you planned on spending from various online outlets. also highly rated.


Wewll I think your LFS is blowing smoke up your backside in an attempt to make more ,money of you. YOU can get a good skimmer from well under that $200 mark. Probably close to $75 to 90 and that can include shipping if you look hard enough online. Live rock is always a good idea and more is usually better, but sitl not a cure for whats going on. Personally I would go with a Coralife Super Skimmer 65. Best skimmer out there for the money bar none.