skimmer, light ... mistake


Active Member
Originally Posted by GSD
Wewll I think your LFS is blowing smoke up your backside in an attempt to make more ,money of you. YOU can get a good skimmer from well under that $200 mark. Probably close to $75 to 90 and that can include shipping if you look hard enough online. Live rock is always a good idea and more is usually better, but sitl not a cure for whats going on. Personally I would go with a Coralife Super Skimmer 65. Best skimmer out there for the money bar none.
LINK?? send it to my email that is


Active Member
Originally Posted by GSD
Best skimmer out there for the money bar none.
Yes but it looks kinda chunky hanging on the back of a 30 gallon and not quite as easy to use. thats the only reason I didn't recommend it. Aqua C better built too. I do think they produce much better and more skimate than AquaC remora's/urchins by far. But since he planned on spending $200 anyway and wanted simple I thought the AquaC would be better for him. Chose s CCSS for myself in fact though it barely fits my sump


Being chunky has nothng to do with what was asked does it? There is ways to get that so called "chunky" look to go away too....
AquaC Remora is certainly not worth the price anddoe sno better at skimmng crapout than the CSS 65 does.......and thats the facts. Now if thats important to hold up with the idiots that just thinks spending more money makes a difference thats fine, but in my book, its stupidity to spend more when less does as good a job and possibly even better....but its uyouyr money so spend it how yu feel its worth it. I work to hard to make a company rich for no real reason.


Active Member

Originally Posted by GSD
Being chunky has nothng to do with what was asked does it? There is ways to get that so called "chunky" look to go away too....
AquaC Remora is certainly not worth the price anddoe sno better at skimmng crapout than the CSS 65 does.......and thats the facts. Now if thats important to hold up with the idiots that just thinks spending more money makes a difference thats fine, but in my book, its stupidity to spend more when less does as good a job and possibly even better....but its uyouyr money so spend it how yu feel its worth it. I work to hard to make a company rich for no real reason.

LOL wake up on the wrong side of the bed

Yes the CLSS does skim better and I bought one myself BUT there is a reason besides people being idiots
that remoras are popular. Different people want different things in a skimmer. Someone who has never had a skimmer may think features that arent important to you or me are important to them, the least of which not being ease of use and reliability. Quite frankly I wouldn't really recommend a CLSS to a beginner who's never had a skimmer for hang on back use
because the simpliest of set up mistake causes it to overflow. Output drain too low, bubble diffuser not set up right or too low, pump too low, water level too high, airline blocked by salt ect all cause it to overflow on your floor. Remora is virtually set it and forget it, never overflows, built better, less micro bubbles and both skim more than adequately for 30-55 gallon tanks. If just producing more and dry skimate for the least amount of money is most important to you, which it must be for a lot of people since its very popular, by all means run out and get it. But the Remora has its merrits as well although I to believe its grossly overhyped
as far as performance goes. there are ALOT of skimmers that skim better than the rermora for around or under its price (turboflotor,octupus/pacific coast,ASM, Coralife,Top Fathom ect)


try the Coral Life Super Skimmer for up to 65G. my works perfect on my 30g and I have a Coral Life Supper Skimmer up to 220 for my 135g tank and both of them are well worth the money.
just my thoughts


Active Member
Originally Posted by cyclops
try the Coral Life Super Skimmer for up to 65G. my works perfect on my 30g and I have a Coral Life Supper Skimmer up to 220 for my 135g tank and both of them are well worth the money.
just my thoughts
With the pd and the bubble trap doesn't it take up a lot of space in your 30?
When you are ready for lights, do yourself a favor since you want a reef - do not buy PC's save your money and buy the MH. I started out with lower level pc's then found out it wouldnt work for my reef so a LFS recommended I get higher watt pc's so I bought them within 6 months I spent the money on the MH. I could have saved alot!!


Originally Posted by rs1831
With the pd and the bubble trap doesn't it take up a lot of space in your 30?
No I have a 10g sump under the 30g and the CLSS hangs off of that. At first I tried it the hard way then with some help and pumps created a return sump.
Now I am working on getting lights.


Active Member
Originally Posted by scottyc1
what brand/model sump is that in picture above that stanalee posted??
right mouse click and go to properties to see where it came from.


I have a CSS65 in a 16 gal BF which certainly does not look cluttered up. I also run a CSS 65 in a 30 gal cube...I do not use the bubble diffuser boxes, I use sa foasm filter sleeve from a maxi jet or Danner Mag Drive pump.... Beginer opr no beginer, spending money onan itemthat ius easier to use is nonesense when the CSS is not hard to setup and make work if one can read a set of directions. If thats too hard to follow directions then maybe they would be better advised to keep ceramic fish instead, as there is a heap of other things thats more complicated than settingup as CSS . Who is to say what this persons integrity really is, he / she cold be an aerospace engineer or a babbling why assume they can not understand or comprehend how to set up a coral life super skimmer? Not a very good assumption to make that a person just because they are a beginner is probably not capable.


Active Member
If its so easy to figure why is there a thousand complaints in the equipment section about that very thing and a 40 page thread about the same thing on reef central. You can follow the directions to a T and still come home to a wet floor. Why arent you using the bubble diffuser like those great directions state? I wont use it either, would I expect everyone wants to rig something however simple it is especially a beginner (which I deducted from his original post and the fact he's never had a skimmer)

Since when has ease of use been religated to idiots and unintelligent people only? Perhaps he's an aerospace engineer that likes an easy to use skimmer with no chance of overflowing. what makes you think I assume he's challenged. when shown the ASM in sump he stated "that looks way to complicated" which would be a reasonable assumption to me he'd like something easy to use and set up. he can look at skimmers himself and determine if they detract too much or not from the display tank but again it only takes a glance at the remora and CCSL to tell which is far less obtrusive. Like I said the remora has its merrits. Do you buy an Apex DVD player over a toshiba, they both play movies just fine. Do you buy skippy sneakers instead of Nike, you can walk around comfortably in both. Cheap and works great arent the only criteria everyone choses to shop by. I obviously agree with you its a great skimmer and I wouldn't have bought it if I thought it took a rocket scientist to figure it out but your views seem a little narrow or self flattery on your choice of skimmer selection. Whats right for you and me isn't right for everyone. I'm giving him honest advice I think will work best for him not what I'd get. There is no one skimmer best for everyone and if there is one the coralife super skimmer certainly isnt it!


That 40 paage thread is not what yu state or think it is. Its a thread that was started on the CSs when it ws first introduced, and they had a few problems with them, with the instruction setup being the prime culprit. Its not like there w 40 pages of folks complaining about them. Seems to me the first thing everyone wants to do no matter what the item is is to mod it sa they read about a mod on the internet so it has to be right. Most folks have no business doing anything other than follow instructions period. Better than 80 % of those posts are from the same person asking the same dumb stuff over and over without a clue as to what they are ding as they are too lazy to read the entire thread from start to finish.
So if you would get on the right page of instructions and had honestly eliminated better than 90% of those 40 some pages of crap you would have realized exactly what was being discussed about that skimmer back then...Setting up a CSS can not get any easier if it came with a self included technician that did it for you. Most mods foks make are not of any advantage, its more or less a shortcut to get around know knowiing exactly what is what. Lots of idiots on the CSS appiled external air cources etc etc and a hole host of other stuff which did not do a darn thing to improve or fix any perceived problem. It wsa simply they could not follow correct instructions or they had to do just like Jim Bob the Fish Guru did as he has 5,290 posts so he must know what he is talking about.
I also think I have as much right to defend my recomendation for a CSS as you do for yours for a Aqua c, CORRECT? So whats your problem then? I ama entitled to be just as difiant as anyone else is in defending what they post.
So if were talking el cheapo why not just spend $39 and buy a JEBO skimmer. Can't get much cheaper or simpler than that for something that actually works now can you.......the key is how long will it last, unless you do not mind buying stuff over and over again since its apparant lots of folks have no regards for what somehtng costs as they are of the mindset it has to cost a ton of money if its anygood.......I seem to think your from that school!


Active Member

Originally Posted by GSD
since its apparant lots of folks have no regards for what somehtng costs as they are of the mindset it has to cost a ton of money if its anygood.......I seem to think your from that school!
why would you think I'm from that mindset when I HAVE a coralife super skimmer (hence the photos of MY CLSS). In fact in certain instances I sound alot like you (heck you were in this thead):
I think where we agree to disagree has NOTHING to do with the Coralife skimmer but if an AquaC remora is worth the $170 if cost. I am one who believes it is in some instances and I have stated throughout this thread why I believe so. You obviously dont and I do get your point on the coralife super skimmer but you seemed to ignore the merrits I have stated about the remora as if they dont exist or dont matter.
the "problem" I have is not your recommendation but this statement: "AquaC Remora is certainly not worth the price and does no better at skimmng crapout than the CSS 65 does.......and thats the facts."
not worth the price too you
. I simply let him know there are some advantages the remora has over the coralife and perhaps the additional cost may be subjectively worth it (or not) to him. I didn't dismis your claim the CLSS skims just as well in fact I KNOW it skims better than the remora. alot better in fact.