Skimmer necessary on a 20 Gallon?


I have a 20 gallon and currently have 2 clowns, 2 cleaners, a peppermint and misc hermits/snails. There is about 30 lbs of LR and a 4" DSB. I am about to begin to add corals and already have the approprite lighting. Will the tank need a skimmer even though it dosent have too many fish? I plan on adding a six line later and maybe even a small watchman so if i need a skimmer i would like to go ahead and get it now. A hang on the back pref. Any good ones out there?


Active Member
CS - welcome - you can also post stuff like this in the nano thread - for people with smaller tanks.
I have a 20 with no skimmer. Just LR and LS and a tetratec HOB filter .... the key is to make sure you do regular water maintenance!! I let mine go and it is noticeable!!
Good luck and lets see some pictures!


Cool thanks for the advise, I had a Prizm deluxe but it didnt fit my canopy so I took it back and was wondering if I should even consider getting a Bak Pak. I'm all for making my life easier so im just going to go ahead and get one.
And for the pictures I should have some up tomorrow, my canopy isnt all the way finished but it will be done and stained by tomorrow night. This is my first SW aquarium and im pretty excited about it, everything has gone really good for me, except my peppermint shrimp trying to eat my polyps :mad: ;)
Thanks again for the advise, ill get some pics up tomorrow, Im going back to my LFS and either picking up some more coral or a new skimmer from my store credit from taking the Prizm back.
j21kickster, I am interested in that skimmer, can you Email me at so we can talk about it